本研究擬根據社會交換及關係行銷理論來探討加盟連鎖之互動關係,不同於以往著重經濟層面之研究,並提出可能影響連鎖加盟合作關係成功之理論架構。本研究以房屋仲介業之加盟總部為例,分別針對自願加盟及特許加盟形態,以個案深入訪談法,驗證由交換理論及關係行銷理論所提出之研究架構。 自願加盟業者認為,彼此間先有「信賴感」後才會有「承諾」的產生、「相互依賴」與「權力」的產生是相輔相成的、「權力」之高低會影響「投機行為」。 特許加盟形態業者之分析結果,與本研究所提出的架構模式大致相吻合,唯獨加盟主間的合作關係,會影響合作關係之滿意度,並影響加盟關係之成敗,因此加入「同儕關係」變項。
Apart from the traditional emphasis on economic effects, this article explored the dynamic relationship between the franchisor and franchisee from two different theoretical perspectives-Relationship Marketing and Social Exchange Theory. A conceptual model that consisted of factors affecting franchising relationship was first constructed for generating the related propositions in this study. By utilizing the case of the real estate industry in Taiwan, this research focused on two franchising formats-franchise chain and voluntary chain. In the voluntary chain case, the relationship among franchisees was generally complied with the model we previously presented. However, as the factor of cooperation could significantly affect the satisfaction level of the franchising relationship, the factor of co-franchisees relationship was thus added to the former model. In the franchise chain case, the results revealed that the commitment took place before the feeling of interdependence between the franchisor and franchisee. Moreover, the factors of mutual dependence and power affected each other, and the degree of power tended to influence opportunistic behavior.