通識教育中心之設立是為培育兼具全球視野、人文關懷之專業人才,透過「基礎課程」與「通識課程」之安排, 藉由國文、英文、法學、音樂、藝術、應用科學等課程,以建立學生健康的人生觀,實現全人教育之辦學理念。本中心肩負教學與研究功能,持續追求卓越與創新,以樹立本校通識教育特色。 本中心設主任一人,綜理全中心課程審議、行政與教學業務,另設若干「教學研究群」,敦聘專兼任教師開授通識課程。
Our purpose and the core values is to implement “health, care, innovation and excellence.”It is developing an efficient executive power, will respect, with gratitude and tolerance heart, communication and also cosmic harmony of mercy in benevolence. In the future to be penetrating and transferable of the crisis in order to create features and brand. Moreover, to put into action in a dynamic environment in order to achieve team excellence "of modern youth. Consist with these ideas are based on "health care category," "History and Culture Class," "Law and Life Class," "Artistic, Creative Class" and "Information Technology Sector" the five dimensions of the core curriculum. For each department professional orientation programs prior to the course. Students to health care, observation and analysis, critical thinking, the potential to create, use of technology, practical wisdom and sense of social responsibility at the same time, and then planning "humanities", "social class", "natural kind" and "Life Application Class" four major categories General liberal arts curriculum, extending the core curriculum. Students to health care, observation and analysis, critical thinking, the potential to create, use of technology, practical wisdom and sense of social responsibility at the same time, and then planning "humanities", "social class", "natural kind" and "Life Application Class" four major categories General liberal arts curriculum, extending the core curriculum.