This study examined the role of personal, job and organizational resources in predicting two types of employee engagement, job and organizational. It aims to examine personal resources as the most important predictor for job engagement and organizational engagement whereas job resources and organizational resources will play the role of moderator in job and organizational engagements. It invites 314 participants to administrate a web-based questionnaire which includes 5 measurements, 3 for predictors and 2 for criteria. With the simple and hierarchical regression analysis, this study finds: 1) The personal resources as the most important predictor for job engagement, whereas the organizational resources as the most important predictor for organizational engagement; 2) The job resources as the moderator of personal resources in predicting job engagement; 3) The organizational resources as the moderator of personal resources in predicting organizational engagement.In addition to that, this study also discusses the optimal regression formula for job engagement and organizational engagement, then to observe the importance of different resources and emphasize the personal resources.