Impulse buying accounts for a substantial proportion of consumer buying behavior. Previous research has indicated that Internet shoppers have greater impulse buying tendencies than non-Internet shoppers. Thus, Internet businesses and marketers should place greater focus on impulse buying behavior. Previous studies on impulse buying behavior have indicated that the environmental stimulus from a physical store is one of the primary factors that influence impulse buying behavior. In this study, we infer that the environmental stimulus from Internet stores comes primarily from the vividness and interactivity of Web site design. Thus, we investigate the influence of these factors on impulse buying behavior. This research employs a questionnaire survey approach to collect 374 valid questionnaires. The partial least squares (PLS) method, a part of structural equation modeling (SEM), is used to test the research model. The following conclusions are presented: (1) “website interactivity” indirectly influences impulse buying behavior through the endogenous variables “product involvement,” “shopping enjoyment,” “website navigation,” and “drive for impulse buying”; (2) “website vividness” indirectly influences impulse buying behavior through the endogenous variables “product involvement,” “shopping enjoyment,” “website navigation,” and “drive for impulse buying”; and (3) “impulse buying tendencies” indirectly influences impulse buying behavior through the endogenous variables “website navigation” and “drive for impulse buying.”