AbstractThe foremost purpose of this study is to investigate the photonic recognition and environmental-protect conscience for the elementary school students. Study was proceeded with questionnaire survey and the results for the photovoltaic knowledge, the commitment and the sustaining degree of the environmental-protect for the elementary school students were analyzed using statistical software. Conclusions in this study are drawn as follows:1. More than 80 percent of right answer indicates that students with basic photovoltaic knowledge to represent curriculum contents of nature and living technology are capable of matching the course outline of these courses. 2. The fourth graders are with more photovoltaic knowledge than the fifth graders and the fifth graders are also with more photovoltaic knowledge than the sixth graders.3. Higher graders are with forward and stronger environmental-protect conscience.4. Students with attitude of photovoltaic utility are concentrative.5. The sixth graders are with active willingness in photovoltaic utility.6. Students with photovoltaic knowledge have nothing to do with the environmental-protect conscience.7. Students with environmental-protect conscience have nothing to do with the attitude in photovoltaic utility.8. Students with environmental-protect conscience have nothing to do with the willingness in photovoltaic utility.