本文旨在探討半導體駐廠保全人員的職能模型,透過職能模型指標的建立,瞭解半導體廠保全人員所需具備之工作知識、技能、行為及態度,以及個人特質。半導體業者可參考此標準篩選及招募合適之保全員工,使其能勝任其職,人員的適任同時亦能確保半導體工廠內外的安全性和穩定性。本研究採用質性研究設計,以深度訪談蒐集現任職於半導體公司之保全人員意見與看法,將訪談內容之逐字稿進行編碼、因素歸類,並參酌文獻資料,逐項分析,以期獲致深度的研究結果及發現。本研究希冀研究結果若能獲得高科技廠及相關保全業者在其組織中執行基層保全人員的選、訓、用、留之人力資源政策上做為重要參考依據,將有助於確保廠房能長期處在一個優質穩定、嚴謹管理、安全無虞之運作環境中。 This article aims to discuss the functional model of security personnel stationed in the "semiconductor" factory to improve the safety and stability of semiconductor factories, as well as other related advantages. The article mentions three types of security personnel stationed in semiconductor factories, namely security personnel, security administrators and security supervisors, and introduces in detail the responsibilities and functions of the three different types of security personnel, as well as the inherent characteristics that security personnel should possess. The research questions include: to determine what important functions are required by security personnel in semiconductor factories, provide references for human resources management in the industry, establish and performance security personnel function models, and introduce three different types of security personnel in detail, including the responsibilities and functions.The purpose of this research is to understand the knowledge related to the security field of the semiconductor industry, establish a consensus among security personnel, assist security personnel to master unique skills through functional model indicators; environment.