Abstract: | 研究背景:戒癮者復原過程中存在著許多內外在因子的因素影響,戒癮者接受藥癮治療性社區處遇後,再使用毒品的相關因子是值得探究的議題。研究目的:本研究欲探討藥癮治療性社區模式下,心理社會因子中的家庭支持、朋友支持、自我效能,生活適應與治療後再使用毒品之相關性。研究方法:以某藥癮治療性社區男性戒癮者為研究對象,回溯收案期間自2013年至2019年,且須於2019年前結束治療。使用藥癮治療性社區心理社會因子評估表、生活管理評分檔、治療效果追蹤紀錄檔進行資料蒐集。依變項為治療結束後一年內是否再使用毒品。主要自變項包含「家庭支持」及「朋友支持」(分別有五題,總分為0-10)、「自我效能」(共八題,總分0-100),以及「生活適應」(計算日平均生活違規次數)。採羅吉斯迴歸分析上述自變項與治療結束後一年內再使用毒品之相關。研究結果:研究共納入104位男性戒癮者,其中有57.7%個案為未滿18歲青少年。卡方分析結果顯示居住天數較短(p=0.035)與生活違規日平均次數較高(p=0.037)與治療後一年內再使用毒品有顯著相關。羅吉斯迴歸分析顯示生活違規次數越高(勝算比[Odds Ratio, OR]=1.36, p=0.040)有較高的復發率;而家庭支持(OR=0.96, p=0.58)、朋友支持(OR=1.05, p=0.61)與自我效能(OR=1.01, p=0.46)與治療後一年內再使用毒品無顯著相關。結論:毒品復發機率與戒癮者的自律性及生活適應有關,然與家庭支持、朋友支持及自我效能關聯較薄弱。建議:藥癮治療性社區應在個案入住時即安排個案管理治療師,建立治療性人際關係,協助降低生活違規適應治療性社區生活,以利增進戒癮者社區適應能力及自律性,減少再使用毒品之可能性。 Background: There are many internal and external factors associated with the recovery process of drug addicts. It is worthy to explore factors related to reusing drug after receiving drug addiction treatment under a therapeutic community. Purpose: This study aimed to explore the relationship of family support, friend support, self-efficacy and life adaptation among the psychosocial factors with drug re-use after drug addiction therapeutic community treatment. Methods: The study participants were male addicts in a drug addiction treatment community. They were retrospectively enrolled between 2013 and 2019, and their treatment must be completed by year 2019. Data were collected according to the community psychosocial factor assessment form, life management score file, and tracking records of treatment effects. The dependent variable was the status of re-using drug within one-year after treatment. The major independent variables were "family support" and "friend support" (both scales have 5 questions with a total score of 0-10), "self-efficacy" (8 questions, with a total score of 0-100), and "life adaptation" (average daily numbers of life violations in a month). The logistic regression model was conducted to analyze associations between the drug reuse and the major independent variables. Results: A total of 104 male addicts were included in the study, of which 57.7% were teenagers under the age of 18. Chi-squared test showed that shorter length of stay in JiaLao Villa (p=0.035), and more frequencies of daily life violations (p=0.037) were significantly related to the drug reuse after treatment. Logistic regression analysis showed that higher numbers of life violations was related to the drug reuse (OR=1.37, p=0.040). Nevertheless, family support (OR=0.96, p=0.58), friend support (OR=1.05, p=0.61), and self-efficacy (OR=1.01, p=0.46) had no significant correlation with drug reuse within one year after treatment. Conclusion: The findings reveals that drug reuse was related to the self-discipline and life adaptation of the addicts, but was weakly related to family support, friend support, and self-efficacy. Suggestions: When a case is admitted, the drug addiction treatment community should arrange case management therapists to establish a therapeutic interpersonal relationship in order to help reducing daily violations and adapting to the therapeutic community life, so that drug addicts can improve the community adaptability and self-discipline to reduce the possibility of drug use. |