Abstract: | 本研究由南投縣中寮鄉四處余甘子栽培場,採其果實提供做為篩選比較研究的十二個植株品系,研究包括抗氧化活性分析、外觀植物性狀比較、感官品評等分析比較,以期能從這些樣品品系中篩選出果實大、果核小、又富含抗氧化保健與風味較佳的余甘子新品系,以利推廣種植。本研究成果如下: 在十二個植株中成功篩選出編號A111品系,具有果實特大且果核特小(平均果重11.37g,平均果核重0.5g,果實重/果核重=22.75),且三項抗氧化活性皆第一名,A111品系總酚含量為H201品系的3.13倍。A111品系總黃酮含量為H201品系的3.91倍,適合應用推廣於醫藥保健食品相關加工用途。果實性狀及三種抗氧化活性做比較結果顯示:果實重量與抗氧化活性之相關性低,表示果粒大小與抗氧化活性之間的相關性低。 由余甘子果汁感官品評項目(香氣、酸、澀、苦、回甘、整體喜好度)以七分制喜好性評分法得分數據比較結果顯示,整體喜好度的前三名為H222(4.71)、C109(4.14)、H201(3.67)。依據果實性狀及感官品評比較結果顯示:果實重量與感官品評之整體喜好度呈正相關性,表示果粒大小與口感風味之間有正相關。同時也篩選出果實特大且果核小(平均果重12.34g,平均果核重0.78g,果實重/果核重=15.82)編號H201植株品系,及果實大且核小(平均果重8.9g,平均果核重0.9g,果實重/果核重=9.89)編號H222植株品系,其感官品評整體喜好度口感較好,適合當鮮果、果汁及膳食料理利用的專用品系。 本研究成功篩選出A111、H201、H222三個特優的植株品系,可以推廣大量取其母株枝條作為嫁接苗接穗來源,發展某些特定保健成分高的余甘子果園,或是發展鮮果、果汁及膳食料理用途專用的余甘子果園,並提供果農品系優化的參考,促進產業利用的依據,極具開發推廣的商業價值。 In this study, 12 plant sample were collected from four amla farms as a screening and comparative study in Nantou County of Taiwan. We study including antioxidant activity analysis, comparison of appearance fruit traits, sensory evaluation, hope to select good Emlical emblica with large fruit, small core, and rich in antioxidant and health-care ingredients from these sample spesies. The A111 which had extra-large fruit and small core (average fruit weight 11.37g, average fruit weight 0.5g, fruit weight/core weight=22.75), and three kind of antioxidative�activity are all ranked first, and the total phenol content of the A111 is 3.13 times that of the H201. The total flavonoid content of A111 was 3.91 times that of H201. A111 specific can used in health-care ingredients. The comparison results based on fruit traits and three antioxidant activities showed that the correlation between fruit weight and antioxidant activity was low, indicating that the correlation between fruit particle size and antioxidant activity was low. In results of the sensory evaluation items aroma, sourness, astringency, bitterness, sweet aftertaste, overall preference of emblica fruit juice by using a 7-point scale, the top three in the overall are H222 (4.71), C109 (4.14), H201 (3.67 ). There was a positive correlation between the fruit weight and the overall preference of the sensory evaluation, indicating that there was a positive correlation between the size of the fruit and the taste and flavor.We also screened out the H201 with extra-large fruit and small core (average fruit weight 12.34g, average fruit weight 0.78g, fruit weight/core weight=15.82), and H222 have large fruit with small core (average fruit weight 8.9g) , average core weight 0.9g, fruit weight/core weight=9.89). These are suitable for fresh fruit, juice and dietary dishes. This study successfully screened three superior plant A111, H201, and H222, which can be popularized to take a large number of branches of their mother plants as scion sources for grafted seedlings, to develop certain specific health-care or to develop fresh juices. |