台灣四面環海,氣候宜人,花蓮縣坐擁好山好水,並在民族融合上呈現多元文化交疊,且其中原住民族更是分布廣泛與人數眾多。本研究的目的在探討遊客參與花蓮縣原住民族聯合豐年節在活動吸引力、體驗價值及活動滿意度之間的差異與關聯性;以參與花蓮縣原住民族聯合豐年節之遊客為抽樣對象,抽樣方式採便利抽樣方式進行,本次研究回收有效問卷共215份,透過統計軟體 IBM SPSS 25.0 版,進行t檢定與單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析及敘述性統計等資料分析研究。研究結果與建議:一、活動吸引力、體驗價值與活動滿意度彼此間呈現顯著正相關。二、在不同的年齡、教育程度與參與同伴的遊客對於活動吸引力、體驗價值與活動滿意度有顯著差異性。三、花蓮縣原住民族聯合豐年節活動之特色非其他縣市能取代,故在行銷宣傳活動策略上,可以此研究結果提供之思考方向與建議做為日後舉辦活動之參考。 Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and the weather is pleasant. Hualien County has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the ethnic integration presents multicultural The aborigines in Hualien are widely distributed and have an enormous population. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences and correlations among the attractiveness, experience-value and activity satisfaction of tourists participating in the Hualien County Aboriginal People’s United Harvest Festival. Tourists who participated in the Hualien County Aboriginal People’s United Harvest Festival were selected as the sample. The sampling method was carried out by convenience sampling. A total of 215 valid questionnaires were collected in this study. Via the statistical software IBM SPSS version 25.0, data analysis and research such as t-test, single factor analysis of variance, regression analysis and descriptive statistics were carried out. Research results and suggestions: 1. Activity attractiveness, experience-value and activity satisfaction are significantly positively correlated with each other. 2. Tourists with different ages, education levels and participating companions have significant differences in activity attraction, experience value and activity satisfaction. 3. Hualien County's aboriginal peoples united Harvest Festival has unique characteristics that cannot be replaced by other counties and cities. Therefore, in terms of marketing and publicity activities, the research result can be referenced which provide some suggestions in holding the event in the future.