社會長期照顧需求日益增加,一直是高齡化社會中的一項重要議題。截至110年為止,台灣約有82.5萬名身心障礙、失智與失能者有照顧需求,估計約數百萬名家人連帶受到影響(家庭照顧者總會,2021),照顧工作需求也因此衍生出許多社會問題。針對這項議題,並考量台灣現階段社會背景,本研究所探討之目的為照顧者面臨哪些壓力源、照顧者的情緒勞務展現情形以及休閒調適之因應。本研究採質性研究取向之深度訪談法,以三位50歲以上、擁有3年以上照顧經驗的照顧者作為研究對象。研究結論如下:一、照顧者壓力源之歸納情況:當照顧者面臨「非照顧者」的旁觀者效應及干擾介入、未能規劃好長期照護所需的人力與費用分配等問題時,其心理負擔與壓力提高;家庭之間也可能產生「推托不理」的情況,故照顧者需要一個能夠分擔照顧責任的「責任分攤」家庭援系統。二、照顧者情緒勞務展現情形:當照顧者發自內心關愛他人時,其產生的正面情緒可以去改變負面情緒。三、照顧者休閒調適:照顧者若有務農、園藝等日常活動,就能獲得短暫的喘息時間,對於壓力具有緩衝效果,也能透過宗教信仰力量轉念以處理負面情緒。 The increasing demand for long-term care in today’s society has always been one of the most important issues of an aging society. As of 2010, about 825,000 people with disabilities, dementia, and disabilities in Taiwan had care needs, and millions of family members were affected accrordingly (Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers, 2021). In this case, the huge demand for care work has led to many social problems. Regarding this issue, the research attempts to delve into the following issues based on the current social conditions in Taiwan: 1. the sources of caregivers’ stress; 2. the definition of emotional labor and its related studies; 3. the definition of leisure adjustment and its related studies; 4. the analysis of caregivers' emotional labor and leisure adjustment. This research adopts qualitative research method, and the researcher conducted “in-depth” interviews with three research participant who are all over age 50 and have been caregivers for over 3 years. The research conclusion is as follows: 1. the sourcse of caregivers’ stress: caregivers feel pressure when they are faced with problems, such as (1) when “non-caregivers” intervene and cause the bystander effect; (2) when the family fails to finanace for the long-term care needs or doesn’t have a clear division of responsibilities withing a family. At the same time, it’s mportant for a family caregiver to have a supportive family to provide assistance. 2. Caregivers' emotional labor: when caregivers care for care recipients from the heart, caregivers experience positive emotions that help undo negative emotions. 3. Caregiver’s leisure coping: caregivers have a chance to get a short respite if they have other activities aside from care work, e.g. farming and gardening; caregivers can seek "spiritual support" through religion to deal with negative emotions.