後疫情時代來臨,數位化、去實體化生活成為趨勢。藝術文化結合數位科技衍生出更多元、精緻化的作品;透過網路可以更有效率的進行資訊取得與分享,結合文化創意與地方文化。這樣的變化能升級觀賞者的藝文賞析體驗與傳播效益,能讓民眾徜徉於藝文領域同時了解地方文化。霧峰菇類產學館籌備數位轉型,本研究與該產學單位合作,運用體現認知工具——感性介面框架模型(Kansei interface framework model)作為影音創作前期的創意激發工具,創作出具有地方特色的動態水墨影片,結合數位繪圖與傳統水墨畫,並透過拆解圖像製作動態效果。影片內容以充滿香菇的森林延伸出不同時間與天候現象,生意盎然的自然美景。創作研究目的如下:(1)將靜態、巨幅的水墨畫以動畫形式數位典藏、(2)透過動態影像,使觀賞者進入沉浸式體驗,更加容易了解在地文化、(3)以問卷訪談法瞭解觀後回饋。成果影片作為中部霧峰菇類博物館之開館儀式影片與後續交接暨參訪活動之開幕影片,修正完畢即作為展覽品之一於館內展出。藉由回饋問卷可知:(1)該影片可引發觀賞者對菇類生態的興趣、(2)使觀賞者抽離現實進入沉浸式體驗、(3)色彩鮮豔多變的發光香菇具有吸引力並加深觀者對菇類的印象。成果影片效果十足,體現創意構思策略可行,可作為數位創作前導之策略。 Digital life has enabled information to circulate through images, audio files, and digital texts. Art and culture combined with digital technology make it easier and cheaper to obtain and share information through the Internet. The Kansei interface framework model was used to find the creative direction of this research, the model is used for analyzing abstract emotions into concrete design elements and getting feedback. The purpose of the creative research is to use the questionnaire interview method to understand the pre-viewing expected elements and post-viewing feelings and use digital dynamic images to enable viewers to enter an immersive experience, so that it is easier to understand the local culture.The videos are displayed in wide-format projection, such as the Opening Ceremony Video and Opening Video of Handover and Visiting Activities of the Mushroom Museum in central Taiwan. This video is on permanent display in the museum. Based on the feedback questionnaire, it can be known that: (1) this dynamic video can arouse viewers’ interest in mushroom ecology, (2) the video allows viewers to enter an immersive experience, (3) the bright glowing mushrooms in dark background are attractive and impression. The final result works are full of effects, reflecting the feasibility of the creative conception strategy, which can be used as a leading strategy for digital creation.