由於現今網路的蓬勃發展致使網路購物變得更加興盛,對於網路拍賣而言不需要店面成本、時間自由、進入門檻低、庫存成本較低、拍賣平台業者提供完整的服務等等,吸引了許多人投入網路拍賣的行列,不論是想創業的老闆或者想做兼職的打工族,都使得網路拍賣入行這件事都變得較容易,相對的市場競爭也將越來越激烈,因此要如何經營一間網拍賣場也變成一項新興的研究主題。面對網路拍賣研究主題,大多都是以相關研究中使用者的觀點來衡量經營要素,很少以經營者的角度探討此事,再加上市面上的網路拍賣書籍資料,大都以個案探討方式,並非業者的實戰經驗分享,較少將這些網路拍賣業者經營成功之關鍵因素加以歸納整理,因此本研究希望透過STP分析及4P行銷策略之相關文獻再以個案研究之方式整理出網路拍賣的經營模式、策略走向、行銷模式,提出對相關的網路拍賣賣家之經營建議。 With the rapid development of the Internet and computer technology, online shopping has also become more prosperous. E-Commerce is lowering traditional barriers to entry for small businesses, such as no extra upfront costs (rent, store design, and repairs, etc), lower inventory costs, and more flexibility for the seller. Ecommerce has attracted more and more people to join and become a highly competitive market. Hence, how to run an e-commerce business evolve a hot research topic. Most of the e-commerce research measures the operating elements from the perspective of users in relevant research, and rarely discusses from the operators' perspective. In addition, most e-commerce books on the market are based on individual cases rather than the sharing of practical experience of the operators, and also there is fewer of the key factors for the success of these e-commerce operators are summarized.