網際網路及數位科技通訊軟體的普及化,在網路隨手可得的世代,日常生活中不可獲缺的智慧型手機,將社群媒體推向兒少性騷擾、性勒索、性虐待、性剝削案件等性侵害的溫床。兒少影像性剝削犯罪是新興性侵害結合性剝削之議題,對原有的性剝削保護防治網絡係另一個新的挑戰。有別於傳統性侵害犯罪的型態,現今網際網路的時代,使人方便下載、上傳、分享影音,推波助瀾的亦將兒少性私密影像散布至網路平台,呈現不易徹底刪除且無國界限制。為因應全球兒少影像性剝削皆快速增長的處境下,瞭解網路科技對兒童及青少年在親密關係表現的改變、風險性、影響、與其對社會的衝擊,方能藉由法律及社會文化價值觀重塑的共同規範,達到有效降低傷害的目的,需跨領域省思我國社會文化對性權認知,以及認識兒少影像性剝削加害人、被害人渠個字行為後的心理狀態。本研究將兒少影像性剝削的定義、成因、影響、司法闕失等因素詳加整理,作為因應政策、性權與法律知識的倡導之依據。 The popularization of the Internet, smart phone, and the technological development of digital communication software have made social media become hotbeds of sexual harassment, sexual blackmail, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation of children and youths. This fact makes the issue of sexual assault combined with sexual exploitation of children and youths a new challenge to the original protection and prevention network of sexual exploitation. In the Internet era that communication has no border limit, the fact that people can easily download, upload, and share audio and video files contributes greatly to the spread of underaged private sexual images on online platforms.In response to the rapid growth of the sexual exploitation offenses with the aforementioned traits around the world, it is necessary for lawyers to know more about the socio-cultural factors and law and psychology expert’s discussion regarding the formation and impacts of those offenses. A better solution to deal with the offenses can only be acquired a thorough re-examination of our current legislation and judicial judgments through a brand new socio-cultural and law-and-psychological interdisciplinary perspective. This thesis tries to examine the current situation in Taiwan and to provide some constructive suggestions through her interdisciplinary len.