臺灣風險社會交通事故多,增加個人、家庭、社會、國家成本,路權法治及防禦駕駛觀念仍有不足。個人多年職涯,處理車禍問題,並於市議員服務處,協助處理車禍諮詢,對肇事原因與鑑定結果影響調解,當事人及家屬殷切求助心情,感觸良多,家中資料堆積如山,退休後終身學習,希望將自身處理車禍的經驗與觀點,努力體系化成碩士論文,留下一些小小的紀錄,供產官學各界先進參考! 本論文研究方法,除傳統文獻回顧分析法外,兼採質性研究歸納詮釋方法及實證田野調查方法,以本人實際處理經驗為重心,採個案參與觀察經驗、實證訪談印證等實證研究方法為特色,增益補充,並對照他山之石的實務見解,結合法律風險管理的理論基礎,理論、實務、個人經驗相互交錯,綜合運用,理解、敘說、探究,致力於將處理車禍的心得體會與具體建議體系化,避免流於個人主觀意見的侷限性。研究目的,在處理以下議題:1.風險識別車禍民事法律責任人身傷亡與財產車損風險類型分析;2.對症下藥以車禍處理經驗實務案例分析為重心;3從實務經驗中建構趨吉避凶車禍訴訟外紛爭解決ADR模式(民事與刑事交互影響消長、法理情與情理法交互運用動態平衡修復);4.最後再歸納出行動方案總結論,提出具體改善策略建議。 Nowadays Taiwan has many traffic accidents in this risky society. It increased the individual, household, society and costs of the nation. We still lack of the concepts of the right of way and defensive driving. With many years of my personal career, dealing with the car accidents cases. Furthermore, I provided assistance with the car accident consultations for alderman’s service.Pursuing lifelong learning has been always my goal after retirement. I hope to share my own experience related to car accidents and my point of view. To keep the records with this thesis, moreover to provide the contribution for the industry, official and university. The method of this research, not only has literature review, but also have qualitative research interpretation that has been concrete evidence of the fieldwork.Based on my actual handling experience, carry out the participate in observation, empirical interview, method of empirical research. Combine the practical cases with basic theory of laws and risk management in order to avoid the personal subjective opinion.The goal of the research for the purpose of addressing the following issues:To analysis the risk identification of civil legal liability in the traffic accidents, estimate the casualties of property damage.Apply the solution according to indications of practical cases in road accident.Build an alternative dispute resolution from practical experience ADR pattern (Civil and criminal events interactions, “temperament→ reasoning→ judgement impress on the dynamic equilibrium.Finally, summarized the general conclusion of the program with an action plan. Offering the specific improvement with strategies and along with suggestions.