「平均地權」是我國憲法確有明文規定的法律語言,既憲法自有明言,「實施平均地權,節制資本」,為的正是謀求國計民生之均足,是凡法律即均須遵循憲章之理念,方能符合法治國原則之體現。然近幾年來,我國高房價問題一再地困擾著有安家需求的國民,政府承諾會平穩房價,但日子過久了,未曾見爭議消散,對於打房而言,百姓始終「無感」。買房安家的價格在臺灣既是天價般之高,人民就只能被迫租房,造就了租賃住宅市場的繁榮,而當臺灣租屋政策又十分不利於房客之時,「居住正義」即形同虛設。基上,我國的租賃住宅市場發展法規,在關於租金價格這一部分,恐早有違反憲章之疑慮,亟待改善。 Article 142 of the Constitution is entrenched with the principle of “Equalization of land rights” in the National Economy Section, providing that “[n]ational economy shall be based on the Principle of the People’s Livelihood and shall seek to effect equalization of land ownership and restriction of private capital in order to attain a well-balanced sufficiency in national wealth and people’s livelihood.” Therefore, this principle should be the prime directive of legislation.However, housing cost has been skyrocketing in recent years. The Taiwanese government has adopted a variety of laws and policies to tackle this housing problem but in vain. Many Taiwanese people are forced to rent instead of buying their own houses. While rental housing market is correlated to real property prices, people who could not afford to buy houses remain find no justice for their right of (affordable) housing. This thesis intends to analyze present rental housing policies and laws adopted in Taiwan, criticizing their defects. This thesis concludes with a proposal to reform the legal design of the rent control in Taiwan.