"休閒娛樂在我們的生活中是相當重要的,尤其是影音娛樂更是站有一席之地, 每當假日的時候若不想出門,總是喜歡到DVD租賃店去租片回家觀賞。但是由 於網際網路的發達導致網路影音串流平台崛起後,許多人轉而投入網路串流服務 的懷抱。本研究是以美國NETFLIX公司所經營之網路串流平台為研究對象,藉 由專家問卷方式,篩選出影音租賃市場導入網路串流服務創新關鍵成功因素之構 面,並以「層級分析法」分析各因素之權重,進一步歸納出網路串流服務經營之 成功因素。研究結果顯示,網路串流服務經營關鍵成功構面因素,首重為新的服 務概念,其次為新的服務傳遞系統、新的客戶介面與技術選項。在「新的服務概 念」方面,提供根據過往紀錄推薦影片功能,可讓對於觀看影片無頭緒使用者感 受到不同的新服務。建議強化便利隨處可看的服務,並且可以將劇集一次上線, 讓使用者可以體驗以往沒有的新服務。在「新的服務傳遞系統」方面,傳遞是很 重要一個部分,提供自製劇集、與知名品牌合作,都是在新的服務與新的客戶中 擔任傳遞的角色。在「新的客戶介面」方面,成立官方網站、行動裝置APP並成 立粉絲團供使用者討論,並與APPLE合作使網路串流服務讓更多人知道,達到行 銷目的。在「技術選項」方面,善用大數據分析與網際網路的流量及用戶的網速, 不但可以製作出使用者喜愛的影片還可以讓使用者在觀看影片的同時除了節約 頻寬之外還不會影響當下觀看影片的畫質,可讓使用者不用擔心流量問題更放心 地去使用串流服務。" "Entertainment is an important part of our life, especially for digital entertainment, you could always rent a DVD in rental shop if you do not want to go out on your holidays. However, more and more streaming media platform has rising recently due to the development of the Internet, many people are seeking streaming media service now. The research is based on streaming media platform operated by an American company NETFLIX, we can know about the key point of innovation streaming media by questionnaire. Also we can use Analytic Hierarchy Process( AHP) to analysis the weight of criteria, so we can induction the main factor of successful network streaming services. The research shows that the main successful factor of network streaming service is the new concept of service; the second factor is new service delivery system、new client interface and technical. For the new concept of service factor, the users can experience different services based on the previous recommended video. By enhancing the convenience of easy to watch and uploading the episode online once, the users can experience the new services. For the new service delivery system factor, delivery is an import part of providing self-made episodes、cooperating with famous brand, it’s play the delivery role for new service and new customers. For the new client interface factor, establishing official website、mobile application and fan page for discussion, also working with Apple to promote the network streaming services. For the technical factor, you can produce the users’ favorite video while saving bandwidth, also the film quality won’t be effected. Therefore the users can use streaming services without worry the flow."