如何保障因為需要照顧家中失能者而退出勞動市場的家庭照顧者一定期間之基本生活,讓勞動者可以無虞地照顧家中失能者,是現今高齡社會的台灣,在制定長期照顧政策時須積極面對的重要議題。因此,本研究之主要目的在於建構一可行之家庭照顧者有給制,以符合家庭照顧者之需求。本研究運用實地研究法,透過現場觀察與訪談三家托顧家庭和訪談三位縣市政府家托業務相關人員,來評估家庭托顧服務的執行情形,進而評估家庭照顧者有給制之可行性。本研究發現雖然家庭托顧的給付制度與輔導制度,是決定家庭托顧業務之經營成敗的關鍵因素,而如能給付2位照顧服務員,依據其自宅空間大小,在自宅24小時照顧4至6位失能老人,即可以將家庭托顧與家庭照顧者有給制結合。因此,建議政府應重新審視與制定符合家庭照顧者需求的家庭托顧政策。 This research applies the ?Airiti Library? and ?Community Development Journal Quarterly? databases, using keywords such as ?hospice?, ?hospice care?, ?palliative care?, and has been published in Taiwan before 2020. A total of 634 journal articles in Chinese have been published in full for analysis. The text is major based on the practical experience of hospice care, using ?hospice care? as an idiomatic phrase; 2. the number of articles has increased since 2016, and the most used vocabulary is ?patient?. 3. The frequency of being mentioned in terms of physiology and psychology has increased over the years; while spirituality and quality of life still maintain a certain frequency of use. 4. Due to the differences in time, the three key points of euthanasia, natural death, and death with dignity are also different. The vocabulary related images of hospice palliative care presented in this research are for reference in follow-up research.