本論文研究之目的是在各業界中管理者對政策、用電、預算及負載等因素,影響各業界節能減碳認知之相關聯性,用多構面之模型,政府政策、用電型態及預算編列及負載管理?預測變項,管理者支持節能?中介變項,節能減碳認知?效標變項,依據研究架構設定、問卷題項設計、樣本抽樣方式、統計分析及研究討論,驗證在學理上及實務上之價值,驗證結果陳述如下:一、各業界管理者在教育程度、工作年資、工作部門及職位,對節能減碳認知存在顯著相關聯性。二、政府政策、用電型態及預算編列及負載管理(預測變項)對管理者支持安全(中介變項)存在顯著相關聯性。三、管理者支持節能措施(中介變項)對節能減碳認知(效標變項)存在顯著相關聯性。四、管理者支持節能措施(中介變項),在預測變項及效標變項之間存在顯著的媒介效應。 The purpose of the study is to make managers in all walks of life understand the factors of policy, the use of electricity, budget and loading on the perception of energy saving and carbon reduction. Multi-dimensional models, government policy, forms of using electricity, budgeting and loading management were the predictor. Manager’s support for safety was the mediator. The perception of energy saving and carbon reduction is the criterion. According to the research structure setting, questionnaire design, sampling method, statistical analysis and the research discussion, the verification results for practical and academic fields were shown as below.1. There is strong relation among the educational background, work experience, job department, post and the perception of energy saving and carbon reduction.2. The manager’s support for safety (mediator) is strongly related to the government policy, forms of using electricity, budgeting and loading management (predictor).3. The manager’s support for energy measures (mediator) is strongly related to the perception of energy saving and carbon reduction.4. The manager’s support for energy measures possesses a remarkable intermediate effect between predictor and criterion.