Abstract: | 我國的經濟主體始從蔣經國時期的經濟建設開始,規劃了一系列的經濟建設方案,但是若以現在的環境角度來看,確實造成了許多不可逆的汙染與空間規劃問題,本文係以工廠管理輔導法架構,對於業者與政府間的利益衝突探討賽局,業者當然係以自身利益為永續經營為主體,而政府是以公共利益為主體,看似衝突的關係,其實也暗藏了合作的必然,因於雖然業者以利益掛帥,但是創造出來的稅收更是政府的財源之一,同時也附隨環境水源污染的副作用,若以行政高權的角度解決爭端,政府大可直接一聲令下強行執法,但同時也直接扼殺經濟命脈與失業人口上升。對於兩者間的競合關係,賽局理論可以是一個策略上的模擬架構,在中國戰國時期齊國的將軍田忌和孫臏即以賽局的概念推以「圍魏救趙」列史書所載,近代賽局理論從軍事衝突逐漸轉為商業、公共政策、環境議題所運用。歷史的演進賽局的運用往往藏於幕後,係為決策關鍵的幕後推手。其在商業上的利用更是如此,早期以零和賽局以「不是你死,就是我活」的概念言變成「非零和賽局」即以共同合作,創造多贏局面,甚至可以成為寡頭市場,在環境與經濟的競合下更是如此,維護環境保育即需要龐大的財政支出,經濟活動卻可以創造財稅收入,往往兩相衝突的抗爭戲碼,都會在現實生活中不停上演,若在大家都可以接受且符合公眾利益的狀態下和平共存,即是賽局理論中的「均衡解」。本文係以彰化縣境內的未登記之農地工廠為例,關於汙水濫排與政府間的執法為概念,將實際情形化簡為賽局模型,並參考文獻建所建立的水汙染賽局,建立本案例的模型並且參酌政府的相關政策與法規,提出建議與結論。 Our state has planned a series of economic construction since the time of president Chiang Ching-kuo. Viewing from the environmental aspects nowadays, the development has indeed caused many irreversible pollution and problems of regional planning. This is an essay of using the structure of Factory Management Act to discuss the conflicts of interests between the commercial and the government. Of course the main purpose of the commercial is business continuity, as for the government is the public interest. Although the purposes of the commercial and the government seem to be different, the cooperation of these two social segment is necessary, it is because the profit produced by the commercial accounts for a large tax income of the government. During the process mentioned above, there is also a side effect of water pollution. The government can strongly enforce the law, but in return it will simultaneously harm the economic growth and rise the unemployment rate. The Game Theory can be the model, providing the strategy how the two different segments could interact with each other. At the very first beginning, the Game theory was for military usage. Nowadays the usage of the Game Theory has changed gradually from military to business, public policy and environmental issues. We can find the shadow of the Game Theory hiding behind the veil of history, playing a significant role in the historical evolution.Nowadays, the concept of zero-sum game has been displaced by non-zero-sum game, which means the possibility of cooperation, creating a win-win situation, and even oligopoly market. Especially in the competition between economic development and environmental protection, environmental protection means a large expenditure while the commercial activity is creating wealth. The conflicts between environmental protection and commercial activity happen over and over again in our everyday life, if the both side reach a consensus while meeting the public interest, there is the equilibrium of the Game Theory.This essay is taking the unregistered factories built on agricultural land in Changhua County for example, discussing about the sewage disposal and the enforcement of law, simplifying the concept to a model of the Game Theory, and making conclusion as well as suggestion. |