近年來,在地文化和在地特色旅遊行程愈來愈受歡迎,微旅行反而是旅客非常自在的旅遊行為之一。本研究旨在探討深耕於中興新村的省府日常散策團隊及其群聚伙伴店家,運用遊程規劃體驗在地文化所推出的微旅行路線,進行資源整合帶動中興新村旅遊新契機。本研究之研究方法,採以非參與式觀察與非結構式深度訪談法,研究個案是依據參與省府日常散策之具代表性人物,包含個案規劃執行者、地方人士、群聚伙伴店家等進行訪談,透過蒐集資料,藉以獲得中興新村目前發展情形與各遊程規劃之方案。 研究結果顯示,推動中興新村地區活化需透過政府及地方相互合作,以達永續經營之共識,並以推廣中興新村的文化為主張,善加利用地域資源與空間活化,於遊程規劃中藉以導入群聚店家串聯在地文化體驗,使旅人能在遊憩過程中享有個人化的遊程設計,能強化旅人於遊程結束後回憶起整體遊程感受度,能提升旅人的重遊意願或將其旅行經驗與他人分享,這樣的結果不僅能帶動發展地方文化產業再生,亦能加值文化特色的地域體驗經濟。 In recent years, tourism of local culture and local features are more and more popular. Tourists are more willing to choose small travel than other types of travel experience. This research means to study those stores of working individually and working in partnership. To implement resource integration and increase opportunities of small traveling in Zhongxing New Village by enjoying traveling in tour planning of local culture.Methods of this study including objective observation and non-structural indepth interview. Iconic interviewees are selected from participants in group of TripExploring, local citizens and stores working in partnership. Knowing development in Zhongxing New Village nowadays and planning of local tourism through information gathering.According to results of this study, Zhongxing New Village’s reactivation and sustainable management needs cooperation between government and local stores. Combining features and resources of Zhongxing New Village and local stores working in partnership will make tourists enjoy individual tourism of design. It will enhance their experience by recalling after they finished their trip. Making them want to travel here again and like to share the experience with others. This results shows small travel not only reactivates local industry but increases the value of local cultures and features.