Abstract: | 本研究依據中央政府2019年為臺灣地方創生元年,全面展開地方創生相關工作政策,根據人口變化率、人口規模、居民收入等因素,並考量資源運用優先順序及地區居民經濟弱勢情形,以南投縣國姓鄉作為本研究的主軸,首要配合農委會推動林下經濟循環農業、活化在地產業與地方創生來結合地區觀光發展;根據地方DNA調查結果,南投縣檳榔栽種面積約1萬7千公頃,國姓鄉年產量就有150萬公噸,然而,因國人衛教和防癌觀念及水土保持考量,政府站在不鼓勵輔導種植並建議轉作其他經濟作物。 其次,依據行政院農業委員會2019年3月21日修正檳榔廢園作業,輔導檳榔廢園及轉作,並研究建議國姓鄉轉植經濟價值極高的森氏紅淡比(楊桐),其為環保署鼓勵種植的低碳空汙防制樹種,為行道樹及庭園優良樹種,枝葉可外銷日本祭祀用、花朵可採收森氏紅淡比花蜜、樹幹枝條可製作家具和小飾品,可配合社區總體營造並提升地方觀光生態發展。這項產業透過台、日企業協助產業發展通路合作平台,對於國姓鄉現有農民收入只有增加不會減少。再則,配合林下政策推展方面,保持原有農作物仍存在收成原則下,於土地空隙加植森氏紅淡比(楊桐),高度重複利用土地,待楊桐林木成長穩定收成後,可加速輔導檳榔產業廢園轉作或縮減檳榔種植面積目標。 此外,經濟的成長造成人口外流、高齡及少子化,都市的就業磁吸效應,讓年輕人往都市發展,農村人口外流凋零,本研究林下經濟森氏紅淡比(楊桐)產業對於國姓鄉現行農民將帶來量變,其願景目標希望帶來農民穩定收益、達到地方人口回流、青農返鄉、均衡地方發展。 The central government of Taiwan set 2019 as the first year of regional revitalization and extensively promoted work policies related to regional revitalization. This study considered population variation, population size, resident income, resource application priority, and economic disadvantage of local residents in Guoxing Township, Nantou County. First, regional tourism development was incorporated with under-forest economy and circular agriculture promoted by Council of Agriculture, as well as activation of local industry and regional revitalization. According to investigation results of industries with local DNA, the area with betel nut planting in Nantou County was approximately 17,000 ha. The annual product of betel nuts in Guoxing Township reached 1.5 million mt. However, as Taiwanese people’s health education, cancer-prevention awareness, and water and soil conservation awareness arise, the government discourages planting betel nut trees and recommends planting of other economic crops. On March 21, 2019, Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan modified areca nut farmland restoration regulations to guide areca nut farmland in changing their economic crops. In this study, Guoxing Township was recommended to plant Cleyera japonica var. morii (Yamamoto) Masamune Nakai (hereafter referred to as C. japonica), which features extremely high economic value. This variant is one of the tree species that the Environmental Protection Administration encourage to plant to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution. As an excellent choice for sidewalks and gardens, the variant can offer multiple benefits; for example, the twigs and leaves can be sold to Japan for worshiping purposes, the flowers can attract bees to collect nectar of C. japonica, the trunks can be used to create furniture and accessories, and the trees as a whole can be incorporated into community development to promote local tourism and ecological development. Through collaboration between Taiwanese and Japanese businesses and industrial development combined with channel and platform development, planting of C. Japonica will surely increase the existing farmers’ income in Guoxing Township. Moreover, with the under-forest economy policy promoted in a principle of retaining harvest of existing produce, C. Japonica can be planted on unused land to facilitate repeated use of the land. After C. Japonica trees grow to a degree that facilitates steady harvest, the process of farmland transformation or reduction of area planted with areca nut can be expedited. Economic growth has caused population migration, population aging, and subreplacement fertility. The employment magnet effect of cities attracts young people to develop in cities, thereby leading to population outflow in rural areas. This study investigated whether the C. Japonica industry as a type of under-forest economy can lead to stable income for farmers, local population backflow, return of young farmers, and balanced urban–rural development in Guoxing Township. |