籃球攻守戰術日新月異,要能奪取比賽勝利,除堅強的防守外,更凸顯團隊進攻之重要性,籃球比賽團隊進攻其基礎來自於個人技術及小組之合作,團隊進攻型態根據不同的時間、傳球次數及參與的人數等方式,區分為快攻戰術、快打戰術及系統戰術,本技術報告主要以108學年度豐陽國中男子籃球隊為例,其研究目的探討其籃球團隊進攻型態之概念,透過文獻探討及研究者本身、訓練日誌、比賽影片,奠定基本理論基礎,並以文字敘述、製表、繪圖方式說明進攻型態之訓練,作以本技術報告之組織架構,期盼能提供基層籃球教練與選手操作訓練之參考,以促進國內籃球水準。 In the rapidly changing world of basketball, games have been changed on both offensive and defensive ends, so are the tactics. To pull off a victory, a solid defense is necessary while the importance of a team offence should be even more highlighted. The foundation of a team offense comes from the combination of individual skills and teamwork. According to the utilization of shot clock, number of passes, and number of participants, types of team offense are divided into three major groups, which are fast-break tactics, early offence tactics, and system tactics. This technical research takes Feng yang Junior High School basketball team (school year 108th) as an example. The purpose of the research is to further understand the concept of the team’s patterns on offense. Through the literature discussion, the researchers themselves, training logs, and game videos, the organizational framework of this research ought to lay the basic theoretical foundation for explicating the offensive training by textual description, tabulation, and drawing. In hope of providing training operation reference for grassroots basketball coaches and players, the ultimate goal of this research is to help raise the domestic basketball standards.