由於旅遊休閒產業受到一般民眾喜愛及重視,搭飛機出國旅遊及出差工作的機會越來越普遍。也因為網路資訊透明又發達,經由手機消費普及,民眾們也漸漸接受以自助旅行或是半自助旅行的方式到各國去旅遊。消費者開始除了旅行社以外,也有許多旅遊網路平台可以選擇,不論是購買機票、預訂住宿還是購買旅遊目的地的當地行程。旅遊方式的選擇多元化、上網刷卡消費方便且價格透明。旅遊網頁平台也有多種語言選擇,選擇中文後會自動顯示台幣計費,人性化的操作介面讓消費者更習慣在網路上或是手機 app 上消費,也就是現今大家口中所說的宅經濟,不用出門就能消費。而到日本旅遊是非常受台灣人喜愛的。日本的各式標語以漢字為主,所以對於台灣民眾來說是非常便利的。以地理位置來說,到沖繩旅遊是日本國土最接近台灣的地區,從桃園機場飛到沖繩的那霸機場只需要一個小時 30 分鐘。台北飛那霸機場的航班密集,一天內有多家航空公司及航班時段可選擇。本技術報告試圖從旅遊網路平台的操作及應用上來做進一步的說明及探討,並以技術報告的方式來撰寫此主題,希望能讓想首次嘗試自助旅行的讀者覺得自己規劃國外旅遊不是件難事,而是件容易又樂在其中的事。 Since the leisure and tourism industries getting popular these days, there is asubstantial growth of both outbound and business travelers. Most of the people,especially the young generation rely on the Internet and social networks are the keymedia choices, for whom notebooks, mobile phones, computers, and tablets arecommonplace. In the recent ten years, the internet and the networking sector has beenshown a huge growth due to which everyone in this modern era has a smartphone.Internet made easy for people to become independent and they can do many thingslike buying a flight ticket, book a hotel room, rent a car abroad and so on. Manywebsites have been designed user-friendly and customers can use it easily. Most of thewebsites have multilingual options and they have also integrated payment gateway viacredit cards. Most of the customers have been attracted by these attractive marketingstrategies which have been provided by the website. In Taiwan, most people like totravel to Japan, Okinawa. Due to the advancement in technology and growing interestamong people to travel abroad, it would be nice to study and research in this field.