Abstract: | 農業灌溉用水約佔了國內各項用水的百分之七十,國內農地除了由17個農田水利會提供灌溉管理協助之農地外,尚有半數以上農地屬於非水利會灌溉事業區;灌溉事業區外的灌溉用水取得及如何以適當方式擴大服務範圍是國內未來農業用水面臨重要課題之一,本報告以臺中市新社區頭嵙山地區為研究區域,進行灌區外耕地由白冷圳供水及發展休閒觀光的可行性評估。本報告以白冷圳為潛在水源,依地形及耕地分布條件,配合農委會為推動擴大灌區服務所提出3種灌溉服務形式進行歸納:形式一.納入水利會灌區、形式二.辦理灌溉之取、蓄、輸水設施、形式三.補助農民設置田間管路灌溉設施。本報告茲將適用形式二之區域提出供水方案規劃評估(白冷圳北側及白冷圳南側);可行性評估結果顯示以政府推行擴大灌溉服務、照顧地方農民之觀點,若能促進地方休閒觀光產業發展、吸引青農返鄉、發展觀光休閒農業,推動地方農業創生、提升農業附加價值,以經濟價值及改善效益評估頭嵙山地區開發順序,以北側灌區優先、南側地區次之。考量政府投入開發成本之條件下以提升經濟價值及改善效益,頭嵙山地區開發順序為區域(II)之經濟價值及改善效益較高,建議可優先推動工程改善項目,並輔以區域(I)擴大灌溉服務區域方式辦理「納入水利會灌區」之行政措施,以同步提升區域(I)及區域(II)之觀光發展;觀光休閒農業類別分別為區域(I)之專業生產開放採菇-商圈銷售之觀光菇園型態,以及區域(II)之開放採果-商圈銷售之觀光果園型態或門票入場制之封閉式觀光景觀農莊型態。 Agricultural irrigation water accounts for about 70% of all targets water use in Taiwan. In addition to the management services provided by 17 IAs (irrigation associations), more than half of the domestic farmland area belongs to non-IA service area, thus that becomes a significant issue for domestic agricultural water consumption. Current conditions of cropland, water demand, and feasibility assessment were investigated in Touko mountain area, Xinshe district, Taichung City in this study.In this study, Baileng main canal is the major potential water source for irrigation usage. By the topography and arable land distribution analyses, and three types of expansion of irrigation area service patterns proposed by COA, the pattern Ⅰ is suggested to incorporate into the serviced areas of a local irrigation association; besides, the pattern Ⅱ is suggested to build facilities such as water tanks or ponds. Finally, the pattern Ⅲ is suggested to subsidies for farmers to set up field pipe irrigation facilities. Regarding to the pattern Ⅱ, the water supply schemes are suggested as follows: the feasibility assessment in northern and southern part of Baileng main canal shows the policy expanding irrigation service and agricultural recreation development, the northern part of Baileng main canal is suggested to develop in first, comparing with the southern part. In consideration of the cost condition of the government investments to improve the economy and the benefits, the area III in Touko mountain has the priority to develops related engineering improving due to high economic value. With the administrative expansion of irrigation area in area I, improves the tourism in area I and area II simultaneously. The category of tourism and leisure agriculture are suggested to develop mushroom farming which provides tourists the harvest experience; besides, the area II is suggested to develop sightseeing orchard, fruit picking, and sightseeing farm. |