國內近幾十年來家庭結構之變化,出生率下降,結婚率不彰,離婚率攀升,教育普及女性勞動力參與率提升。兩性平權女性不再委曲求全,離婚已成為選擇解決嚴重婚姻衝突或婚姻關係困難之普遍方法。離婚產生之單親家庭生活困境,造成之社會問題值得政府重視。本研究欲探索婚姻嚴重衝突下,女性不離婚之背後,到底成就了甚麼?對社會又有多大的穩定作用?以復原力觀點探討,女性面臨婚姻衝突時,如何啟動正向心理透過不斷改變,以達自我實現進而增強身心之復原,選擇不離婚,其復原力最終達夫妻、親子及婆媳和諧,促進家庭圓滿、社會安定。因此;本研究採質性研究以敘事探究方式進行深度訪談,研究者運用半結構式之訪談方式,以研究問題作為訪談方針指引。研究參與者走過婚姻重大衝突歷程,超越逆境身心之復原,研究者以永不凋謝的花朵來形容其韌性。研究發現:復原力之潛能激發,外部環境方面;藉由支持團體來提升復原,如參與民間社團活動或志願服務。個人心理層面;發掘生命意義之能力,可藉由信仰之力量來提升復原。逃避非最佳手段,不放棄孩子之母愛力量是支持不離婚最大動力。以正向感恩心體驗生活減少得失與衝突。內心之轉折與發現直到心的覺醒與突破,善與愛是目前仍維繫著婚姻不離婚之重要支持因子。研究建議:勇敢面對婚姻衝突,保護自己找出情緒出口尋求支持。衝突是心性相應之起源,改變心性是終止衝突最佳利器。尋找心靈沉澱處改變人生,以善與愛增強復原力。 The family structure has changed in recent decades in Taiwan. The birth rate has dropped, the marriage rate has been decreased, and the divorce rate has risen. Divorce has become one of the common choices to solve serious marital conflicts. Research purposes: This study is to explore why women did not divorce while faced the serious conflicts in marriage? How did they experience the resiliency? How did they activate the positive psychology through the continuously changes, achieve self-actualization, improve physical and mental recovery and choose not to divorce. Research method: This study uses qualitative research to conduct in-depth interviews in a narrative research. The researcher uses semi-structured interviews. The research participants have to have been through major conflicts in marriage and then recovered in physically and mentally. Research findings: The potential of resilience made a lot of effects. In terms of external environment: Supporting groups might improve their recoveries, such as participation in civil society activities or volunteer services; As to personal psychological aspects, to discover the meaning of life and promote religious faith may be able to restore their resiliency. In addition, making life with positive gratitude, goodness and love, the awakening and breakthrough of the heart to reduce conflicts are the most important factors. Research recommendations: Bravely face marriage conflicts, protect yourself and find your emotional outlet, seek help. Conflict is the origin of mentality. Changing mindset is the best weapon to end conflict. Looking for the place where the soul settles, strengthen resilience with kindness and love are the main factors to solve problems.