本論文提出一種可以改良無限脈衝響應 (Infinite Impulse Response, IIR) 濾波器極零點靈敏度的量度方法,使得IIR濾波器在極零點有重根的情形下,採用本論文所提出的方法後仍然可以進行極零點靈敏度的量度,並依據此量度找出最佳化的狀態空間數位濾波器架構,使得濾波器可以有最佳的強健性,也同時保有高度的計算效率。最後,我們舉出數個高階濾波器的數值範例來驗證本論文所提方法的有效性。 This thesis proposes a measurement method that can improve the pole-zero sensi-tivity measure of the infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, so that the IIR filter can still be evaluated by pole-zero sensitivity measure when the zero multiplicity is occurred. Based on the improved zero sensitivity measure, an optimized state-space digital filter architecture is found, so that the filter can have the best robustness while also maintaining a high degree of computational efficiency. Finally, we use several numerical examples of high-order filters to verify the effectiveness of the method proposed in this thesis.