近幾年因3D列印技術被廣泛應用,生醫材料方面也有許多材料被運用在3D列印中,而須植入人體中的材料傾向導入多孔結構,不僅能引導骨細胞長入植入物並促進骨整合,亦能控制多孔材料的機械性質以滿足人體骨骼的機械性質要求、避免骨遮蔽效應。而通過積層製造出的成品通常表面非常的粗糙,這是因為在製造過程中切層間的斷差及熔池旁金屬粉末的黏附,因此造成通過選擇性雷射熔化(SLM)技術製成的成品表面粗糙度(Ra)約為15 mm,但多孔支架之表面粗糙度最高可至約為27.17 mm。粗糙的表面會因應力集中效應而導致機械性質下降,但由於大多的多孔生醫材料形狀複雜、孔洞大小僅數百微米,因此傳統加工方法難以處理,而可處理複雜表面之電解拋光方法傳統常使用的電解液也難以進入孔洞內部,所以本研究將在電解液中加入介面活性劑,以期降低表面張力,使電解液可以深入孔洞結構內部使多孔支架也可受到電解拋光而改善表面品質,並探討支架表面粗糙度對多孔材料機械性質的影響。關鍵字:3D列印、電解拋光、介面活性劑 In recent years, 3D printing technology has been applied widely, and lots of medical devices such as implants were fabricated by 3D printing technologies. Due to the needs of customization, the shape of the implants were mostly made in irregular to fit the shape of reconstruct joint/bone. Besides, in order to improve the bone ingrowth into the implants, the porous structure were usually introduced. According to the shape of porous biomedical materials is mostly complicated and the pore size is only several hundred micrometers, the post process is very hard to be achieved by traditional method such as tool machining. Among the post process methods, electropolishing is much more promising to deal with such irregular porous materials. In this study, titanium alloys (Ti64) which are widely used as biomedical materials were printed by using Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology. Several different pore sizes were designed and introduced into the samples. All the samples with and without electropolishing were conducted compression test. It was found that the stress concentration on the surface after electropolishing would be much lower than that before electropolishing. Due to the reduction in stress concentration, in terms of mechanical properties, the porous samples with electropolishing exhibit higher strength and strain at failure than that porous samples without electropolishing.Keyword: 3D printing、Electropolishing、Surfactant