目的:許多國內外研究指出,大學生是社交網站成癮的高危險群。根據文獻回顧發現,不安全依附與社交網站成癮具相關性,但其中的心理機制尚未完全明瞭。過去網路成癮相關研究指出,行為後果正向預期中介人格特質到成癮間的關係;另外,社會支持能夠調節行為後果正向預期與成癮間的關係。本研究假設:焦慮依附可透過高社交網站正向預期的中介預測高社交網站成癮風險;逃避依附則會透過低社交網站正向預期預測低社交網站成癮風險;但社交網站正向預期的中介效果,將受到社會現實支持和虛擬社會支持高低所調節。方法:本研究運用新生網路行為調查計晝所搜集的部份資料進行分析,資料乃從國內中部以分層取樣一所綜合大學與一所科技大學,並叢集抽樣不同學校學生進行問卷調查,共1,279名有效資料,以SPSS 22進行初步統計分析,以SmartPLS 3進行路徑模型分析。結果:資料分折結果支持本研究假設,焦慮依附可透過高社交網站正向預期的中介預測高社交網站成癮風險;逃避依附則會透過低社交網站正向預期預測低社交網站成癮風險;而現實社會支持和虛擬社會支持的高低調節了社交網站正向預期到社交網站成癮間的預測力。進一步分析指出,現實社會支持低時,高社交網站正向預期對高社交網站成癮風險的預測力較高;但現實社會支持高時,高社交網站正向預期對高社交網站成癮風險的預測力則不顯著。高虛擬社會支持時,高社交網站正向預期對高社交網站成癮風險的預測力較高;但低虛擬社會支持時,高社交網站正向預期對高社交網站成癮風險的預測力則不顯著。結論:本研究假設獲得支持;但乃橫斷研究,未來須進行縱貫研究進一步釐清因果關係。實務方面,本研究成果可供大學生社交網站成癮風險之防治策略擬定之參考。 Prior studies indicated that undergraduates were in high risk of social networking site (SNS) addiction. The present study aimed to examine a mediated moderation model, which hypothesized social support would moderate the mediation of SNS positive outcome expectancy in the relationship of anxious attachment to SNS addiction. This study is part of the survey for internet use among freshmen in Central Taiwan. In total, 1,279 college students completed a battery of questionnaires. Data analyses were performed using the statistical program SPSS Statistics 22 and SmartPLS 3. The results supported our hypotheses that preoccupied attachment positively directly and indirectly predicted SNS addiction mediated through SNS positive outcome expectancy, and dismissing attachment negatively directly and indirectly predicted SNS addiction mediated through SNS positive outcome expectancy. However, actual and virtual Social Support moderated the mediation. The further analyses revealed that the predictive power of SSN positive outcome expectancy in SNS addiction became weak when actual social support was increased or virtual social support was decreased. Conclusions: This study results supported our hypotheses. The preoccupied attachment may directly and indirectly associate with an increased SNS addiction mediated through SNS positive outcome expectancy while the dismissing attachment may directly and indirectly associate with a decreased SNS addiction mediated through SNS positive outcome expectancy. However, an increase in actual social support or decrease in virtual social support may serve as protective factor in undermining the impact of SNS positive outcome expectancy on SNS addiction. However, our hypotheses need to be examined in a longitudinal design.