本論文研究之重點在探討大學生,其無望感、求助態度和自殺意念之關係。本研究採用紙本問卷調查,蒐集261份有效問卷作為正式研究之樣本。 本研究所使用之工具包含「基本資料表」、「貝克無望感量表」、「求助態度量表」以及「貝克自殺意念量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關、四步驟法及Sobel test等進行統計分析,研究結果歸納如下:一、大學生之無望感與自殺意念平均分數為輕度。二、大學生之無望感、求助態度與自殺意念在性別上均無顯著差異。三、大學生之無望感與求助態度呈顯著低至中度負相關。四、大學生之無望感與自殺意念呈現顯著中度相關。五、大學生之求助態度與自殺意念呈現顯著低度負相關。六、大學生之無望感完全中介求助態度與自殺意念。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among the hopelessness , help-seeking attitude and suicide ideation in college students. This study collected 261 samples from one university in Central Taichung via paper-pencil questionnaire. Research instruments include information form, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation , and Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale . Pearson product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression, and Sobel test were used to test research hypotheses. Research findings are as follows:1.The level of college students’ hopelessness and suicide ideation are slight.2.There are no gender differences on hopelessness , help-seeking attitude and suicide ideation for college students.3.There was a moderate negative correlation between the hopelessness and help-seeking attitude.4.There was a moderate positive correlation between the hopelessness and suicide ideation.5.There was a modest negative correlation between the help-seeking attitude and suicide ideation.6.College students’ hopelessness fully mediated help-seeking attitude and suicide ideation.