中文摘要中國奶粉面對三聚氰胺事件,使得中國市場中奶粉的產業大洗牌,中國市場對於國家認可的中國企業生產的奶粉食品品質產生極高的不信任感,造就進口奶粉在中國市場的大躍進。起先是藉由香港的水客帶回水貨為主要模式,藉由與國際食品大廠簽訂一級授權,而建立官方商店,使消費者對於產品的信任度與品牌的認同感提升。在不同的市場上產品的選擇決定於未來的銷售成功與否,必須先了解市場的動態與習性,才能準確的選擇產品,跨境電商的擴展與消費者的消費模式亦會影響產品銷售的成敗,建立品牌制度與推薦會員選購與回饋制度亦是銷售成長的關鍵。從新品體驗成就口碑,再口耳相傳擴展新客群,藉由培養會員層級制度與情感營銷,此模式有效的可以擴展客源與穩定回購率。藉由中國蓬勃發展的電商平台進行產品的分銷經驗,有利於推廣產品的普及度與能見度在新的市場,建構自營渠道規劃一系列的營銷模式,漸進式的從新品體驗、建立口碑、品牌宣傳,建立會員制度穩固客群,搭配情感銷售招攬新客群,穩定並發展銷售量,永續資源有限公司在這個中國營銷模式中,成功的進口嬰幼兒食品營銷到中國大陸市場,複製中國模式拓展東南亞新市場找到新契機,相信成功指日可待,面對 COVID-19 疫情,iii奶粉為民生必需品,能在這波危機之中找到轉機,相信也是可以更上層樓。 AbstractThe melamine incident caused major reshuffles of the infant milk formula industry in China. The Chinese market had a very high sense of distrust for the quality of infant milk formula produced by domestic companies, resulting in a great leap forward for imported milk powder in the Chinese market. At first, through the parallel imports channel via Hong Kong duty free border, the system became major business model for original cross-border infant milk formula transaction. Then, after the cross-border business was recognized by the authority, signing a first-level authorization with the major international baby food brand owner and establishing the official web stores on the cross-border e-commerce plate form, consumers' trusts over this system and the identity of the original imported brands were enhanced.Distributions via China's booming e-commerce platforms had great advantages of promoting product popularity and visibility. Sustainability Resources Limited had well planned strategies through self-operated channels with a series of marketing models, new product experiences approach, reputation building, brand promotion, solid membership system and customerbase establishment, emotional sales approach to attract new customers, sales volume plan and development, Sustainability Resources Limited successfully introduced the imported infant milk powder to the Chinese market and colonized the Chinese model to expand into new markets in Southeast Asia. More successful stories are just around the corner.Finding the new opportunities in the Chinese melamine infant milk formula food safety storm and now facing the COVID-19 epidemic challenges, the infant milk formula product is a necessity for people's livelihood and there’s always turning point in the crisis to be found. Sustainability Resources Limited will be finding its way to advance to next level.