Abstract: | 研究目的:文獻回顧顯示性別、父母教養風格(規範、回應)及同儕影響力均可顯著預測青少年網路遊戲成癮的程度;並且,這些預測變項間亦可能存在交互作用,且因不同發展階段而不同。然而,過去研究較少探討這些預測因子在不同教育階段間對青少年網癮的不同預測模型是否有所差異,是故,本研究擬探討性別、父母教養風格(規範、回應)及同儕影響力對於不同教育階段青少年網路遊戲成癮程度所扮演之角色。研究方法:本研究採用「104?學生網?使用情形調查」計畫所蒐集的去個人識別化資料庫進行研究分析。該資料庫搜集利用分層和叢集抽樣方法,抽樣國小4-6年級、國中及高中學生代表性樣本。本研究分析有效樣本共8535人。採用研究工具為「柯氏網路遊戲成癮程度量表」、「3C產品父母教養方式量表」和「網路遊戲同儕影響力量表」,並以階層迴歸分析探討性別、父母教養風格(規範、回應)與同儕影響力以及其交互作用對於預測不同教育階段的青少年網路遊戲成癮程度之預測模型。研究結果:在不同教育階段的分析顯示,男性、低規範、低回應及高同儕影響力均可單獨?著預測網路遊戲成癮程度,但變項間亦存在不同交互作用。在國小4-6年級,父母規範對網路成癮程度之預測力受父母回應所調節,在高父母回應者的負向預測力高於低父母回應者。在國小4-6年級與高中生中,父母規範對男生網路遊戲成癮程度之負向預測力高於女生;同儕影響力對男生網路遊戲成癮程度之正向預測力高於女生。此外,在國中生中,同儕影響力對網路遊戲成癮程度之預測力,在低父母規範者的正向預測力低於高父母規範者。討論與結論:本研究以具有代表性的國小4-6年級、國中與高中生為樣本,發現性別、父母教養風格(規範、回應)及同儕影響力在預測網路遊戲成癮程度的模型中可能扮演不同角色。 Purpose: Based on literature review, the present study aimed to investigate how the gender, parenting styles (demandingness, responsiveness), peer influence, and interactive predicted on internet gaming addiction among teenagers in educational stages.Methods: This study used the secondary data for analysis. Data was collected by the project entitled “the investigation of students’ internet use among teenagers”. Participants were composed of 2,406 elementary students, 2,800 junior students, and 3,229 high students. All the participants completed a comprehensive survey. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to examine the study hypotheses.Results: Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that boys, low parental demandingness, low parental responsiveness, and high peer influence emerged as significant predictors of internet gaming addiction. However, the interactions among them existed. In the elementary-school group, parental responsiveness moderated the prediction of parental demandingness on internet gaming addiction. Further analyses showed that the predictive power of parental demandingness on lower levels of internet gaming addiction was greater among students with higher levels of parental responsiveness. In both the elementary-school group and high-school group, the interaction between gender and parental demandingness, and between gender and peer influence were significant. Further analyses showed that the predictive power of parental demandingness or peer influence on the level of internet gaming addiction was higher in boy than in girls. In the junior-school group, the interaction between peer influence and parental demandingness reached significance Further analyses showed that among students with lower levels of parental demandingness, higher levels of peer influence greatly predicted more severity of Internet gaming addiction.Conclusions: This study suggested gender, parental styles (demandingness, responsiveness), and peer influence may play different roles in development of Internet gaming addiction among teenagers in different educational stages. |