Abstract: | 本研究主旨在探討觀眾到南屯親子館參觀動機、期望與滿意度之分析,以自編問卷調查參觀過南屯親子的觀眾376位,實際回收有效問卷235份。綜合分析結果研究發現,顯示南屯親子館參觀多是服務業及軍公教家庭為主,且網路預約使用比例高。另外,本研究的各項假設皆獲得成立,參觀動機、期望與滿意度主要為了讓家長與孩童能夠獲得學習成長、獲得育兒資訊交流、孩童與家長有社交區域,輔以環境設施軟硬體的充足性,使滿意度與動機更加強烈,提高參訪頻率。透過相關分析發現,參觀動機愈強烈,則期望也愈高,滿意度也相同。參觀期望與滿意度之間的關係,則顯示觀眾期望大於滿意度,兩者之間是有差距的,可見觀眾的滿意度仍有提高的空間。在經營管理上除了環境整潔維持高滿意度以外,隨時提供育兒新知與定期提供不同體驗場所與遊戲來保持觀眾的新鮮感與提高到訪頻率,另外亦可利用網路社群媒體解說設施以利親近觀眾,並提供溝通及交流的機會。期望本研究發現能對相關領域提供貢獻和建議,以供南屯親子館管理單位及其類似設施在未來研究者對相關研究的參考。 The purpose of this research is to investigate the motivation, expectations, and satisfaction of visitors who have been to Nantun Parent-child Hall. Based on the self-compiled questionnaire, the research interviewed 376 visitors who have visited Nantun Parent-Children Hall, and actually collected 235 valid questionnaires. The results of a comprehensive analysis revealed that the Nantun Parent-Child Hall is mostly visited by service industries, military, public and educational families, and the proportion of online appointments is high. In addition, all the hypotheses have been verified. The motivation, expectations, and satisfaction of visits are mainly to enable parents and children to learn and grow; furthermore, built the social area for both children and parent, alternating the parenting information. Supported by sufficient hardware and software, the satisfaction and motivation of visiting get stronger, and increases the frequency of visits. Through correlation analysis, it is found that the stronger the motivation to visit, the higher the expectation and the satisfaction. The relation between visit expectations and satisfaction shows that audience expectations are greater than satisfaction. There is a gap between the two, which shows that there is still room for improvement in visitors' satisfaction. In the operation and management area, maintaining a clean environment and a high degree of satisfaction, providing parenting new knowledge and different experience venues and games to keep the audience fresh and increase the frequency of visits. Moreover, using online social media to introduce the facilities can also get close to the visitors and provide opportunities for communication and exchanges. It is hoped that the findings of this research can provide contributions and suggestions to related fields, the Nantun Parent-child hall's management unit, and its similar facilities as a reference in the future. |