台灣面臨高齡化社會的人口結構改變,近年來強力推動落實長照 2.0在地老化的政策目標,使得居家照護模式大量進入社區照護系統,居家照顧服務員可說是除了家屬以外居家照顧需求者的第二主要照顧者。透過休閒活動的刺激,可有效地強化長輩的認知功能,以維持或延緩退化的程度。而居家照顧服務員透過居家陪伴期間進行休閒活動的安排,對於有獨立行動疑慮的長者,是一最佳的時機也是最佳的協助者。故透過此研究,以某私立居家照顧服務機構為基礎,對其機構之督導、照服員以及家屬進行深度訪談,並以照顧服務員、居家個案及家屬三方角色進行現況分析,透過分析結果歸納居家個案休閒阻礙因素。得到以下結論,居家個案休閒阻礙因素有:( 1)個人因素,( 2)健康因素,( 3)時間因素,( 4)場所因素。其中「個人因素」為最需克服的主要影響因素。對於以上因素進行深入探討,並提供相關可行性之建議作為。 Taiwan faces demographic changes in an aging society, in recent years, the government hasstrongly promoted the implementation of the long-term aging care system 2.0. Home care staff isthe second important element in addition to the elder’s family members. The elder’s cognitivefunction can be effective strengthened and degradation can be maintained or postponed throughstimulation of leisure activities. For home care user who doubts about independent action, homecare staff is a good accompanist during home companioning. This research based on the study ofa private home care service agency, having in-depth interviews with its supervisors, home carestaffs and client of family members and analysis of present situations is carried out based on thehome care staffs, each home care user and the family members. With the results come out withsome leisure constraints for home care users. The main leisure constraints include the followingfour factors: (1) individual factor, (2) health factor, (3) temporal factor and (4) place factor, inwhich, individual factor is the most important one to overcome. This study has in-depth discussionfor those four factors and comes out with some possible suggestions.