南投埔里是台灣重要觀光區域,在產地到餐桌的飲食運動下,在地餐飲業者採用地產地消的方式結合在地特色食材-茭白筍,不僅促進在地產業經濟,亦呼應了吃在地、吃當季的理念,消費者也能吃得更健康、更安心。在此背景下,一個穩定的集貨及供貨平台是在地筍農和餐廳業者極度需求的重要角色,提供地產地消模式下具有效率也保障雙方的最佳模式。本研究以埔里在地某農產行為個案研究對象,探討農產行在飲食運動下運用其角色及作用,平衡筍農和餐飲業者之間的供需,使雙方皆有保障,也讓消費者享用到新鮮、安全無虞在地特色農產品,進而協助在地筍農和餐廳業者實踐地產地消的模式,提供埔里茭白筍產業從產地到餐桌的最佳運作模式。 Puli is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Taiwan and is featured with its special local primary products – water bamboo. It is popular in local restaurants to take water bamboo as specialty cuisine, which responds to the global spread movement farm-to-table and its essential concepts - local food consumption and food miles. However, it is a problem to be solved of the supply demand mismatch between small-holder farmer and local restaurants within the context of farm-to-table. The research takes the produce wholesaler as case study, exploring how it functions in maintaining supply-demand equilibrium between producers and restaurants, as well as in putting the notion of farm-to-table into practice. The produce wholesaler plays as a regulator to guarantee the needs of both producers and restaurants. Furthermore, it enables tourists do consume fresh local produce in season, and to be environmentally friendly to our planet, giving support to domestically produced agricultural products.