隨著旅宿業的蓬勃發展,其出入人口的不特定性,顯露出其危險性,尤其70年後竄起的民宿以及近年火紅的膠囊旅館,兩者於發展初期皆未有完整的法律規範,使得旅客於休閒旅遊時有安全及保障的隱憂。經多次法令修改,現行旅宿業皆有一定的消防安全規範,所有旅宿業皆須依消防安全設備設置標準以及民宿管理辦法設置火警自動警報設備或住宅用火災警報器。而近年消防署也大力推廣住宅用火災警報器,然而於工作實施上卻有許多阻礙,其中包含民眾的排斥及意願低落,因此希望藉由此次研究研擬出相關策進作為。本研究利用SurveyCake網路問卷並針對南投縣居民進行便利抽樣,接著以IBM SPSS 22.0版套裝軟體進行問卷資料統計分析,結果如下:(1)火災專業認知並沒有顯著影響到民眾對住警器的知覺價值(H1未成立)。(2)民眾的專業認知對於休閒旅遊時旅宿業的消防安全重視程度有顯著影響(H2成立)(3)民眾對住警器知覺價值對於休閒旅遊時旅宿業的消防安全重視程度有顯著影響(H3成立)。從研究中可得知民眾雖知住警器有其功用,但對於安裝方式、電力來源以及價錢上有所疑慮,因此於推廣上應加強住警器產品的介紹以及宣導自身的安全價值。大多數人知道旅宿業消防安全的重要性,然而於選擇旅宿時往往更重視旅館的功能及外觀,進而忽視其消防安全是否符合法律規定,因此需加強提升民眾的風險意識。以上結論供消防單位於推廣住警器上可做相關之考量以及供旅宿業者與民眾參閱,以提升其消防安全重視程度。 As the growing of hotel resort industry, we may concern about the danger of having high flow of people in and out, especially guest house from 70s and Capsule house. There are not complete law or regulations for these two and they cause lots of problem in safety and rights. After several times amendment, they are required to set up the automatic fire alarm system or smoke alarms.I’ve found some difficulties in promoting the smoke alarm which includes the rejection from residents, so I propose some corrections as following : (1) The level of professional fire awareness has no significant influences on people’s perceptual value of smoke alarm. (2) People with professional knowledge have more care about the fire safety while choosing hotel. (3) The more perceptual value of smoke alarm, the higher level of caring the fire safety in choosing hotel.From the study, we can find out that people do understand the functions of smoke alarm, but concern about the installation, power source and price. So we should focus on introducing the product and it’s safety.While choosing the hotel, most people do aware the importance of safety, but they more prefer the service and exterior that will make them pay less attention on the legality of setting up proper fire alarm system. We must place great emphasis on People’s risk awareness.We provide the fire department with this conclusion in promoting smoke alarm and also provide this information for hotel industry and people to improve the awareness of fire safety.