疫情期間,城市封城,出國回國都需要隔離,為避免更多人被傳染到疫情,政府開始呼籲民眾減少去大眾場所的次數,也要求民眾出門都必須配戴口罩,現在疫情肆虐,對於相關觀光業者來說受到很大的影響,旅遊景點也缺少了國內外的觀光客,在疫情期間伴手禮業者推出不同的方案來度過疫情期間,因此想透過疫情期間來了解伴手禮業者行銷的手法,以及顧客在疫情期間購買的方式會不會有所不同。台灣業者在疫情期間提出很多不同的方案以及購買方式或是透過與其他業者的合作來推廣各自的伴手禮,雖然在疫情期間民眾們出遊的次數減少,但還是可以透過很多不同的管道來購買伴手禮盒或是能自己在網路上做搭配讓伴手禮盒變成收藏品或是可以買回來與家人一同分享的禮盒,讓伴手禮以另一種形式出現在大眾的視野內。論文研究方向是在疫情期間民眾對於業者推出的模式下,是否會改變購買習慣或還是習慣原本購買的模式,透過疫情肆虐期間了解民眾的購買模式以及選購伴手禮時之考慮因素,會以包裝、內容物、價格、產品大小等等來做選擇,是否因為疫情購買伴手禮所選擇的原因會有所不同,因此本次論文會使用SURVEY CAKE來製作網路問卷,並在網路上發放問卷來了解民眾的偏好及對疫情升三級後是否有所差異,收回問卷後也會以統計套裝軟體Statistical Package for the Social Science 25.0 (SPSS 25.0)加上相關文獻及資料彙整延伸至本研究之內容。 During the pandemic, most cities have locked down, and quarantine has also been necessary when travelling abroad. To prevent citizens from being infected with the COVID-19, the government has begun to call on people to reduce the frequency of visiting public places and has also requested people to wear masks when going out. The pandemic is still now raging which has a great disruption on the tourism industry is greatly affected. Tourist attractions have also been short of both domestic and foreign tourists. During the pandemic, the tourism souvenir industry has launched different packages to survive the epidemic. Therefore, this study will discover the marketing strategies of the tourism souvenir industry during the pandemic. Will there be any difference in the purchase way of customers during the epidemic?During the pandemic period, Taiwan tourism souvenir businesses have provided many different solutions and purchase channels or even promoted their souvenirs through cooperation with other companies. Although the frequency of people travelling during the epidemic has decreased, they can still purchase souvenirs through different channels. Customers can match their gift boxes online which make souvenir more collectables or share with their family. Souvenir has transformed into another form and appear in the public vision.This research aimed to understand whether people would change their purchasing habits or accustomed to the original purchase mode under the model introduced by the tourism souvenir businesses industry during the pandemic. To understand customers’ purchasing mode and the consideration factors when purchasing souvenirs during the pandemic. Due to the pandemic, whether there was any difference of the reason why purchasing the souvenir from the choice of packaging, content, price, product size, etc. Therefore, this paper would use SURVEY CAKE to create an online questionnaire and distribute it online to understand whether there is any difference between the customers’ preferences and the Level 3 COVID-19 alert. After the questionnaires were collected, the material would be compiled with Statistical Package for the Social Science 25.0 (SPSS 25.0) with relevant literature and extended to this study.