Abstract: | 當國家變得更工業化及人類活得更長壽時,文明疾病就會更常產生,主要原因是不健康的飲食所造成,人們可利用營養素和食物來對抗疾病,透過營養師的專業來讓重症患者能持續存活,甚至是渡過醫師所訂定的療程,讓病患得以康復。營養師必須根據病患的生化指數、詢問病患的飲食習慣、依據醫生的診斷,設計適合病人的菜單,改善患者攝取的營養素,幫助他們盡快復原。目前這個繁瑣、複雜的過程需要由營養師人工計算,此方式易造成人為計算錯誤產生誤差,為了避免人為疏忽與減少繁瑣的重覆計算過程,本文將開發一套營養師端配置餐點與病患端的自主點餐系統,讓營養師不用再重覆手動計算配菜的過程,讓他們可以更專注於設計更符合病患需要的餐點。本系統分成營養師端、病患端和廚房端等三個部分;營養師根據患者的營養需求設計建議餐點,配置的餐點表單分別送入廚房端與病患端。患者在病患端系統自主點選想吃的餐點,在點餐的過程中顯示建議餐點的熱量,讓患者能夠了解攝取的熱量多寡,選好的餐點表單會送入廚房端。廚房端接收營養師端的建議餐點表單作為預備食材菜單,病患端點選的餐點表單送入廚房端作為出菜菜單,製作成適合患者飲食的營養餐。本系統建置完成後,將可提供給醫院使用,提升營養師、病患、中央廚房的醫病關係。營養師開菜單所需計算的工作可以交由本系統輔助完成,病患也能在營養師建議的範圍內勾選想吃的餐點,不再侷限聽於營養師的單方規劃而無法選擇自己喜歡的餐點。應用本系統能讓營養師開菜單事半功倍,讓患者在生病不適之餘也能夠享用喜歡的餐點,減少患病的不愉快感。 When a country's society becomes progressive, many people suffer from the disease of civilization. The primary reason is unhealthy diets. People can stay away from diseases by eating nutritious foods. In particular with the guidance of a professional nutritionist during hospitalization. Dietitians design patient-friendly menus according to a patient's biochemical index, eating habits, and the doctor's diagnosis, that improve the patient's intake of nutrients, enabling the patient to recover soon. At present, this tedious and complicated process for determining the patient's menu is calculated manually by dietitians. The determination may be unsatisfactory causing by the wrong calculation. In order to avoid artificial negligence and reduce the tedious, repetitive calculation process, this thesis aims to develop a dietitian assistant system for diet design. The proposed system allows patients to select the foods they like. So the dietitians can focus more on designing meals that more suitable for the demand of patients. The system is composed of three parts, including the dietitian, patient, and kitchen ends. The dietitian suggests meals according to the nutritional needs of patients; hence the configured meals are sent to the kitchen end and patient end, respectively. Patients choose the desired meals on the patient end. The calories of the suggested meals are displayed during the ordering process, so the patient knows the number of calories being selected. In turn, the selected meal form is sent to the kitchen end for preparing the meals for the patients. Since patients can select the meals, they like rather than be assigned by dietitians only. Therefore, the proposed system can help a hospital improve the medical-patient relationship among dietitians, patients, and central kitchens. Moreover, the system can assist redundant calculation work for a dietitian designing menu. |