人類早在很久以前就已經幻想過智慧機器的生產,但是如今夢想已經實現。 人工智慧在世界各國迅速的發展,台灣和印度尼西亞亦不落其後。台灣身為全球硬體和半導體領域的領導者,在開發人工智慧方面處於重要的地位。此外,台灣政府以制定法規、政策和提供資金的形式支持人工智慧的發展,這些政策資金投注,使台灣在發展人工智慧方面越來越趨完善。在印度尼西亞方面之發展又是如何呢?印度尼西亞總統宣布印度尼西亞將進行第四次工業革命,而實施第四次工業革命也意味著採用人工智慧的重要策略,因為人工智慧是第四次工業革命的重要內容之一。印度尼西亞、台灣和其他國家的針對人工智慧的積極發展,無疑對勞工產生了重要之社會衝擊。未來的人工智慧技術將會主要應用在工作環境中,並會自動改變勞動環境以及工作條件。本研究試圖分析台灣與印度尼西亞的人工智慧發展情況,並以台灣為範本,討論印度尼西亞當前的職業安全與健康法規是否仍能適用於新興人工智慧時代之來臨。最後,本研究認為,技術的發展將永遠不會停止,印度尼西亞應始終為各種新興技術做好準備, 法律應始終與最新技術發展保持同步發展。 The existence of the intelligent machine has been imagined since a long time ago, but now the imagination is come true. The artificial intelligence is rapidly developed in every country over the world likewise Taiwan and Indonesia. Taiwan as the world leader in the field of hardware and semiconductors have a bargain position in developing the artificial intelligent. Moreover, the support from the government in the form of regulation, policy as well as funding. It makes Taiwan is getting better in developing the artificial intelligence. While in Indonesia, the president was announced that the Indonesia will enter into 4th industrial revolution. Implementing the 4th industrial revolution also means adopting the artificial intelligence, since the artificial intelligence is one of the important elements of the 4th industrial revolution. All of these development in Indonesia also Taiwan and another country certainly brings an impact to the society especially the worker. Those future technology mostly will be apply in the company and automatically it will change the environment of the labor as well as the working condition at same time. This paper then tries to analyze on how the development of the artificial intelligent in those two countries and whether the current occupational safety and health law still applicable in the age of artificial intelligence. In the conclusion, author conclude that the development of technology will never be stop and the country should always be ready for every incoming technology. As well as the law should always keep update with the current development of technology.