自古以來民以食為天,食對於人來說真的是極為重要也是活下去的重要元素之一,就當台灣餐飲業正在蓬勃發展的時候,於2019年底一株新型冠狀病毒的襲擊,造成臺灣以及全世界經濟的大崩盤,臺灣的各個產業更是受到前所未有的衝擊與影響,尤其是餐飲業更是首當其衝,因臺灣有2003年SARS的經驗下,防疫措施可以說是超前佈署、提早應對;而民眾不敢出門消費聚餐,深怕會有群聚感染的風險,導致許多大中小型的餐廳紛紛休起無薪假,有些更是直接歇業無法繼續經營。 個案是在台中市大里區的一間海鮮餐廳,最主打的產品就是由澎湖空運來台的活海鮮;個案也在這波疫情中也深受其害。本研究目的在於透過質性研究以SWOT與行銷4P這兩種研究方法來探討個案,希望個案可以透過上述的兩種研究方法找出其因應對策與預防措施,以保餐廳往後長遠永續經營。而餐飲業者於這個疫情的非常期間內,國家相關的機關單位是如何面對以及協助餐飲業者紓困渡過這個前所未有的難關?乃是本論文欲研究討論的重點所在。 Since ancient times, eating has been a very important and important factor for people to live on, and at a time when Taiwan's food and beverage industry was booming, a new coronavirus attack at the end of 2019 caused an economic meltdown in Taiwan and around the world. The case was in a seafood restaurant in Taichung's Tali district, and the main product was live seafood from Penghu, which was also heavily damaged by the epidemic. The purpose of this study is to explore the case through the study of quality through SWOT and the study of marketing 4P. We hope that the case can be identified by the two research methods mentioned above so as to ensure that the restaurant will continue to operate for a long time.and how did the government-related government agencies deal with and help the restaurant industry to overcome this unprecedented crisis during this extraordinary period of epidemic? It is the focus of this paper's research.