本研究旨在針對個案公司發展導入智能技術之商業經營模式與確認產業競爭力。具體而言,本研究以導入智能技術之個案公司為例,運用質性訪談法探究智能企業之商業經營模式、五力分析與SWOT分析。質性研究主要以立意抽樣方式選擇具代表性之團隊成員與合作對象且運用結構式訪談針對個案公司團隊成員與合作對象進行質性訪談,並根據理論飽和假說與紮根理論決定訪談人數。訪談期間自2019年1月至2019年4月,為期四個月。質性研究主要依據策略管理程序確認個案公司之使命與商業經營模式,並進行SWOT分析與五力分析。 This study focuses on exploring smart enterprise’s business model and identifying competitive advantage on cooperative manufacturer (i.e., Company A). Specifically, this study attempts to apply strategic management process, business model, SWOT analysis, and five forces analysis for helping cooperative manufacturer to achieve more competitive advantage and profit. This study constructs an interview and distributes to a sample from the members and customers of cooperative manufacturer to identify and provide revisable strategy of business model to the firm and help it to strive for the right to operate the stadium in the future. According to empirical analyses, this study attempts to identify the exits conditions of cooperative manufacturer’s business model, SWOT analysis, and competitive advantage.