本研究目的在探討勞工在正常工作時間外以手機、電腦等科技裝置提供勞務的時數,與工作時數滿意度及整體工作滿意度之相關性。本研究使用勞動部釋出之「108年勞工生活及就業狀況調查」數據,以具科技裝置加班事實之台灣地區勞工為研究對象,篩選出有效樣本491筆。經階層式迴歸分析,研究結果顯示,科技裝置加班時數愈高,勞工整體工作滿意度愈低,而工作時數滿意度在「科技裝置加班時數—整體工作滿意度」關係中具有完全中介效果。 This article examines the relationships among the usage of communication devices for extended work after regular work hours, work-hour satisfaction, and overall job satisfaction. This study reviews and analyzes the database of the “Survey on Worker’s Living and Employment Condition in 2019” conducted by Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor, focusing on the workers with experience in working extra hours with communication devices. The result reveals that the usage of communication devices after regular work hours is negatively related to overall job satisfaction. Furthermore, work-hour satisfaction has a full mediating effect on the relationships between the usage of communication devices for extended work and overall job satisfaction.