2020年是個不平靜的一年,新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大舉肆虐於全球,民眾因為恐慌心理,在病毒爆發前期大量的搶購口罩,不論自己需求量大或小,看到口罩就勢在必得的瘋搶,在短時間內即癱瘓了國內口罩市場。口罩的供不應求加上部分民眾哄抬價格,導致了”市場失靈”的現象。戴口罩開始成為人們的日常,商人就嗅到商機,開始開發各種顏色及造型的口罩,後來又發展成節慶口罩…等,各式各樣的口罩紛紛出現,豐富了因疫情帶來的情緒,口罩也成為時尚的表徵,口罩也能成為專區銷售。本論文研究使用資料探勘中的決策樹(Decision Tree)建立口罩消費者購買意圖分類分析模式,採便利抽樣的方式進行問卷回收,口罩類別預測正確率高達95.71%,透過研究分析之結果找出決定購買口罩的關鍵因素,提供口罩業者能夠更容易了解消費者在購買口罩時的選擇以及決策,並掌握正確的消費者族群,進而做出更完善的行銷策略。 2020 is an uneasy year due to the global pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19).people saw the masks as essential and crazily purchased all kinds of face masks in the early stage of the virus outbreak,regardless of their needs and sizes. Some people also stockpiled the masks.Masks was hard to find at that time.The domestic mask market has been paralyzed in a short period of time attributed to imbalance between the huge in demand and the shortage of supplies. Which also led to "market failure". Wearing masks has become a daily routine for people,Wearing masks has become a daily routine for people. Envisaging the business opportunities, the mask manufactures began to design various colors and shapes of masks,as well as festive masks for special occasions. The masks has become a fashion and sold in a “Special Area” in the stores.This research adapted the “Decision Tree” in data exploration to establish a classification analysis model of mask consumers’ purchase intentions.Use convenience sampling to collect questionnaires, The accuracy of mask category prediction is as high as 95.71%. Through the findings presented related to analysis of the key factors that determine the purchase of masks, the mask manufacturers will have a better understanding of the consumers’ consideration in their decision- making process when buying masks and scope the targeted consumer groups in order to make a more comprehensive marketing strategy.