到院前心肺功能停止(out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, OHCA)為救護技術員所執行案件中為最棘手也最耗費體能。現場給予患者急救處置後應盡速離場並送醫,而救護人員到場前現場目擊患者OHCA家屬或旁觀者是否施作心肺復甦術(cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR) 對患者急救過程中占重要一環。本研究目的旨在了解消防員所執行OHCA患者緊急醫療救護案件中,當民眾遇到OHCA患者時有/無施行急救及救護技術員急救處置,對患者的ROSC有無顯著性差異。本研究採回溯性研究設計,收案條件以2018年至2020年因患者被回報為OHCA並送至醫院。排除到場後家屬放棄急救(do not resuscitate, DNR)及送醫;透過案件紀錄進行資料蒐集,以SPSS 18 for Windows統計軟體進行描述性統計及卡方檢定分析,並作為日後出勤案件改善的參考。 Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is the most troublesome case, which also demands tremendous physical stamina of ambulance technicians to execute. Patients should be given first aid treatment at the scene, and quickly leave the scene to send patients to hospitals. Before the ambulance man arrives the scene, whether CPR is performed by the witness or the family member of the patient is an important part of the first aid process. The purpose of this research is to understand the emergency medical care cases of (OHCA) patients performed by the firefighters, whether there is a significant difference in the rate of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) of patients with/without the first aid procedures performed by people find OHCA patients and emergency treatment by ambulance technician.This study adopted retrospective research design, the data of cases were collected according to the criterion that the patients were reported as OHCA and sent to hospital from 2018 to 2020. The data were excluded due to the family members do not resuscitate (DNR) and sent to hospitals after the ambulance man arriving at the scene;the data were collected through records. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test analysis were performed with the use of SPSS 18, and the study results could be as a reference for improving attendance cases in the future.