Abstract: | 地政士法在2001年10月24日制定公布後,將「土地登記專業代理人」正名為「地政士」,地政士主要從事不動產登記及相關稅務法令之申報等業務,舉凡不動產買賣、不動產贈與、不動產信託、不動產繼承、不動產抵押設定、不動產分割合併、實價登錄、房地合一稅、不動產法律諮詢及其他不動產相關業務,皆為地政士執業範圍,故地政士須具備不動產專業知識,熟悉地政法規、稅務法令與經驗始能勝任。然而,地政士業者是屬於專業服務業,客戶來源較被動,若不能突破傳統經營模式改變經營策略,並增加服務的創新,是無法突破收益的。因此本研究以SWOT、五力分析、行銷策略4P、商業模式九宮格(獲利世代),並透過拜訪專業人士深度訪談,記錄個案專業商業模式與重視價值主張,針對地政士業者資料整理,並對個案資料做差異化分析,進而了解地政士業者在經營管理與發展上差異。研究發現,個案地政士皆有個人的創新服務項目、專業核心能力、異業結盟方式及規劃整合能力,故可以創造自我在業界中競爭優勢。 Land administration has gradually become a diverse and highly competitive field, with land administration agents being engaged in real estate registration and purchases, sales, bestowal, trust, inheritance, mortgage setting, division and merger, price registration, and legal consultation. The complexity that characterizes this field is reflected in the difficulties land administration firms face when striving to increase their revenue. Land administration agent firms belong to the services sector and have passive customer sources, which compels them to change their business strategies and innovate their services. Therefore, this study adopted SWOT, five forces analysis, and a marketing strategy (4P) business model generation, and conducted in-depth interviews to examine professional business models of individual cases and the values of land administration professionals. The acquired and data on land administration agents’ industry was sorted and subsequently subjected to differential analysis to understand differences in management and development of the industry. The results revealed that assessing innovation using the nine-grid pattern framework of business models was feasible, and the conclusions are as follows: the customer community of the cultural industry is diverse; however, attention should also be paid to the needs of small children. Strategies for innovation within the context of the cultural industry need to be integrated with the application of technology. Only through the use of technologies, such as APP, can consumers further experience industrial innovation. Furthermore, cooperation between the cultural industry and the government can create a competitive edge for the industry. |