匹克球運動自 2016 年 11 月正式引進臺灣,在中華民國匹克球協會(Chinese Taipei Pickleball Association, CTPA)的努力推廣之下,至今已逐漸成為大眾喜愛從事的新興運動之一,運動人口亦呈穩定成長之趨勢。CTPA 於推廣的同時,亦開始舉辦分級賽事,從全國匹克球分級賽到國際匹克球分級賽,再到亞洲盃匹克球錦標賽,參賽的球員逐年增加,因此也才發覺許多初級球員長年停滯於同一級別的現象。歸納原因,除了國內匹克球的教學環境尚未建置完全之外,另一原因實為坊間鮮少有關於技術指引的書籍或文獻可供參考,而網路資源亦多為外語教學影片,礙於語言的限制,對於想精進技術的球員而言,著實面臨極大的挑戰。因此,本研究採用技術報告之方式,結合基本擊球技術與實戰經驗,藉由圖文並茂之呈現,將擊球技術之動作加以分解說明,並附上練習法之影片資料,作為往後初級球員自我學習之參考與指引;亦提供各級學校教師及從事教學工作之教練一份教學參考文獻,進而幫助學員更有系統學習匹克球,一同將匹克球推向全民運動。 Pickleball was officially introduced to Taiwan in November 2016. With the promotion of the Chinese Taipei Pickleball Association (CTPA), it has gradually become one of the sports that the public loves to play and the sport population also grows stably. CTPA also began to hold the tournaments. From the national tournaments to the international tournament and the Asian tournaments, the participated players increased year by year, so it was discovered that many beginners and intermediate players had stayed at the same level for many years.One reason is because the environment of pickleball teaching has not been fully established, and the other is that few books or literatures about the skill guideline are available for reference. Even if there are many teaching videos in English online, the language limitation is a real challenge for the players who want to improve their skills.Therefore, this research combines basic batting skills and practical competition experience, which presents the batting skills with pictures and texts step by step. It also provides a teaching reference for teachers and coaches, which guides the students to learn pickleball batting skills more systematically.