本研究的目的:在探討國中集中式特教班,融入食農教育課程的應用,特殊教育班中的學生的飲食習慣,用餐的習慣等。以三位特殊教育學生做為研究的對象,並採用「行動研究法」。研究者把餐桌禮儀和教學理念融入課程,在綜合活動領域課程中,進行實際種植植物的活動,並且把相關的繪本融課程。食農教育重視實際體驗,為了融入和評估食農教育的可能性,應該以檢查和觀察的方法來評估。研究結果發現:經過食農教育知識,實際讓學生參與農事,皆能讓學生飲食態度提升,用更珍惜的態度看每個食物。研究期間面臨學生能力和天氣的干擾,研究者透過自我省思和搜尋資料進行教學歷程的修正。對研究者而言:食農教育的推廣確實能夠提升學生的認知,並且重新認識食物,獲得許多專業知識。提供了對於未來想在特殊教育學生上,執行食農教育的教師,給很多的相關建議,包含食農教育的課程規劃和教學方法。 The purpose of this research: To explore the application of the centralized special education class in school, the eating habits of the students in the special education class, the eating habits and so on. Three special education students were taken as the research object. they carried out the actual planting activities, and integrated the relevant picture books into the curriculum. The results of the study found : through the knowledge of food and agriculture education, and actually involving students in farming, they can improve their eating attitudes. Faced with the interference of students' abilities and weather during the study period, the researchers revised the teaching process through self-reflection and searching for information. For researchers: It provides a lot of relevant suggestions for teachers who want to implement food and agriculture education on special education students in the future.