衛生福利部 草屯療養院附設南投縣草讚屋庇護商店(以下稱草讚屋庇護商店)儘管受疫情衝擊,仍堅守創辦初衷協助第一類的心智障礙者脫離就業困境;對準具有就業意願,但無法獨立於一般性就業市場工作的第一類心智障礙者(神經系統構造及精神、心智功能),提供庇護性就業服務。並強化身心障礙者工作能力且依照個別化的就業訓練及工作協助,如職場環境適應、工作技巧的訓練、職務再設計等,使個案能獨立自主、穩定完成工作事項,進而早日回歸社會並獲得合理的待遇及勞動條件,使他們能成為經濟自主者。
Despite the attack of the pandemic, Tsao Tsan Wu Shelter store in Nantou County, the associate of Ministry of Health and Welfare Tsao tun Psychiatric Center, has been insisting in gaining employment for those with physical and mental disabilities and providing protective employment services to those who suffer from undermined mental functions and structures of the nervous system and physical and mental disabilities and improving their work skills by offering them with sheltered employment opportunities and work assistance in the areas including adaption to work environment and training for enhancement of work skills and guidance of career redirection, and etc. The aim is to help them to achieve more independence in the process of completing jobs in a steadier pace, which will pave a way for them to join or rejoin the society by being parts of the work force with reasonable pay and work provision and eventually gain independence.