隨著社會變遷,教育制度的改變,校園霸凌逐漸受到各界的重視,再加上資訊網路的發達,網路霸凌儼然而生。本研究主要在探討高中職生個人背景變項及同儕關係類型是否與遭受網路霸凌情緒反應具有關聯性進行調查研究。本研究針對新北市某高職學校學生發放277份問卷,計回收有效問卷為 270 份,針對所得資料採描述性統計分析、信效度分析、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸分析等統計分析方法加以處理。研究結果顯示:
With the changes in society and the changes in the education system, the campus bullying has gradually received the attention of all walks of life. Coupled with the development of the information network, the Internet bullying has emerged. This study is mainly to investigate whether the personal background variables of high school students and the type of peer relationship are related to the emotional response to Internet bullying. In this study, 277 questionnaires were distributed to students in a higher vocational school in New Taipei City, and 270 valid questionnaires were collected. Statistical analysis methods such as descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, single factor analysis and linear regression analysis were used for the data. Handle it. research shows:
1. Different personal background variables: family structure, number of children in the family (including themselves), daily Internet access during that time period, average time of using the Internet every week, and where most of the Internet is online, all of whom suffer from the test. Lu Ba Ling's emotional response does not have a significant relationship; in the past, the experience of cyberbullying has a significant difference in the emotional response of the subject to the Internet bullying.
2. in the class relationship of the peer relationship, the type of the lone type and the group of the students of the group have a significant positive relationship in the emotional response to the Internet bullying; the students of the congregation type are in the mood of the Internet bullying The reaction showed no significant relationship.