The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of sports marketing benefits driven by Taiwanese sports stars during their active periods on the operational performance of sports-related industry companies. We use the method of event-study to analyze the changes in the daily return rate of sports-related industry companies during the event period based on the competition date of the sports star as the event day. The empirical period covers from April 2005 to April 2018. The empirical results show that sports-related industry companies have a significant positive average abnormal return during the event period, and the positive cumulative average abnormal return is more significant.
Although the marketing effects of different sports stars are not the same, most of them can create the positive contribution to sports-related industry companies. Further, we compare different types of companies, we find that sports equipment supplies related companies have negative effects due to small sample bias. Other companies related to sports shoes, sports equipment, and golf supply chain have significant positive average abnormal returns.