隨著經濟成長時代變 遷消費型態轉變 ,產業結構改變傳統產後照料已
藉由產後護理之家快速取代。本研究 主要 依據體驗行銷感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯五個構面 及採用 Kano 二維品質模式,探討複合式產後護理之家經營品質 。以體驗行銷品質要素歸類為魅力、一元、當然、無差異及反轉 五類品質 ,建構複合式產後護理之家體驗量表 。透過 問卷 調查北、中、南 產後護理之家 消費者 150 人 ,釐清 未來複合式產後護理之家 可增加滿意指標或消除不滿意指標品質要素項目 。 依年齡 、 產後護理之家類型和產品項目 交叉 表 分析 ,經 二維品質歸類 發現複合式產後護理之家消費品質要素的認知,大部分具 二元觀念看法 。 本 研究 並 整理出複合式產後護理之家模式經營與建議。
Economic growth is evolving as a result of both changing patterns of consumption and industrial structure.Traditional postpartum care is rapidly replaced by postpartum nursing care center. In this study, the implemented methodology is based on Kano’s model for discussing customer satisfaction on business qualities in combinative postpartum nursing care center’s experiential marketing. The business qualities are categorized to five attributes -attractive,one-dimensional, must-be, indifferent and reverse. In the survey, postpartum nursing care center’s services are classified to five experiential dimensions identified by Schmitt - sense, feel, think, act and relate. The results are focused on finding out the quality factors that can influence customer satisfaction. Chisquared test is applied to analyze consumer behaviors age, educational level,occasion, consumption frequency, types of postpartum nursing care center and product item. The result shows that there’s a significant difference for most of cognition on combinative postpartum nursing care center’s quality factors. This study presents suggestions for combinative postpartum nursing care center.